TM l-1500-328-23
(2) When a propeller, propeller blade, or propeller governor has
been replaced, removed and reinstalled, and when high revolutions per
minute (RPM) settings, or blade angle has been reset or adjusted.
(3) When helicopter main or tail rotor systems or any assembly,
component or part of these systems have been removed and reinstalled,
replaced, repaired, or adjusted.
thrust/weight bearing, have been replaced, or removed and
(5) When adjustable flight control surfaces have been replaced
or adjusted.
(6) When primary flight control actuators, flight control
linkage or cables have been replaced or adjusted.
(7) When a fixed flight control surface on fixed wing aircraft
has been replaced or adjusted.
(8) When an engine has been replaced, removed and reinstalled,
Adjustments to interstage
systems or
realigned, or rigged.
actuators that do not normally move while the aircraft is flying will
require an MOC, the need to perform a test flight will be at the
discretion of the Maintenance Officer.
(9) When a major subassembly of an engine; such as, any fuel
metering device, complete section of a turbine engine or turbine
blades have been replaced or removed and reinstalled on a single
engine aircraft or on both engines for a multi-engine aircraft.
Maintenance Test Flights are recommended, but not mandatory, when
engine subassemblies are disturbed/changed on one engine of a
engine aircraft and a MOC throughout the engine power range has been
performed satisfactorily.
(10) When any installed electronic flight control equipment;
such as, autopilot components, Stability Control Augmentation Systems
(SCAS), electronic sensors, and other equipment which can affect
flight characteristics or performance has been replaced, removed and
reinstalled, or adjusted.
(11) When a major repair or modification has been performed on
the basic structure of the aircraft, and as required by a
(12) When a MOC fails to simulate the conditions under which the
system is operated.
(13) When the Unit Commander or Maintenance Officer determines
that a limited test flight is necessary to be sure of the aircraft's