General Test Flight.
A detailed flight to test the
airworthiness of the entire aircraft and prove all systems/components
are functioning as prescribed in applicable aircraft maintenance
manuals. A General Test Flight is required when any of the following
conditions occur.
(1) After a Periodic/Phase Maintenance or FAA equivalent
inspection has been performed. When aircraft are maintained using
the PPM inspection method, perform a general test flight when
required by the applicable PPM checklist.
(2) When an aircraft is removed from "intermediate" storage.
disassembly and reassembly of the aircraft.
(4) When accepting new aircraft into the
Army inventory.
senior government representative (military or
civilian) assigned to
the factory is responsible for acceptance and
airworthiness of the
They will make sure that all forms
and records are
complete and accurate per DA Pamphlet 738-751.
(5) Acceptances of an aircraft into the Army inventory after a
period of bailment, loan or lease.
If the rotor blades were removed and reinstalled, to
facilitate shipment of the aircraft per the instructions
in the applicable shipping TM, the determination to
perform a test flight will be at the discretion of the
Unit Commander.
(6) When the Unit Commander or Maintenance Officer determines
that a general test flight is necessary to ensure the airworthiness
of the aircraft.
Limited Test Flight. A limited test flight evaluates the
operation of specific items or systems.
Only the applicable
maneuvers or portions of the Maintenance Test Flight (MTF) manual
required to verify satisfactory functioning of the item or system
Unless specifically exempted by the
need to be completed.
appropriate technical manual, a limited test flight will be mandatory
under the following conditions:
(1) When required by an applicable aircraft maintenance manual,
In case of a conflict of test
TB or other AMCOM directive.
or any AMCOM directed procedures,
flight requirements, all
with a later date then the particular aircraft TM, will take
precedence over exceptions granted by the particular aircraft
technical manual.