TM l-1500-328-23
Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following
definitions will apply:
a. Maximum Allowable Operating Time (MAOT) .
An interval expressed
in hours, cycles, starts, or calendar time (days, months, years)
When an
established as the maximum finite life usage for an item.
item reaches its assigned MAOT it must be removed from service and
processed per the instructions in Section IX of this manual.
b. Time Between Overhaul (TBO). The established maximum usage
interval since new or overhaul, that a time change (TC) item may be
operated before it must be removed from service and returned to a
depot level facility for a thorough check and to be restored to good
working order.
Retirement Change (RC) Item. An item that has a safe maximum
allowable operating time since new (often referred to as a MAOT),
All objects coded
are finite life items;
that it may be used.
therefore, at the expiration of the assigned MAOT these items must be
removed from service, mutilated, and processed per Section IX of this
An item that has a safe maximum
d . Time Change (TC) Item.
allowable operating time between overhaul because of safety and
design limitations. The item must be replaced with a fully
serviceable item after the expiration of the specified operating time
These items are not classified as condition change items.
Condition Change (CC) Item.
An item that is changed or
repaired on an "as-needed" basis.
f. Thorough Inspection. A comprehensive visual examination and
evaluation of an item with established standards and specifications.
Performed when necessary to prove serviceability or to determine the
Disassembly will be kept to the
An item that can not normally be disassembled or
The design is such that disassembly or repair is
impractical; for example, bolts, brackets, gears or bearings.
A combination of parts mounted together during
manufacture, which will be replaced, repaired, or tested as one unit;
for example, transmissions, starters, and servo assemblies.