TM l-1500-328-23
taken as soon as possible.
When a corrosion defect is assigned a
"Red/Black Diagonal
status symbol and corrective action is not
initiated within 30 days from date of discovery, the aircraft status
symbol will be changed to a "Red/Black
The aircraft will remain
grounded and reported as not mission capable (NMC) on readiness
reports, until corrective action has been taken.
Proper cleaning procedures are extremely important; therefore,
comply with the following:
(1) Use only authorized cleaning compounds and solvents as
described in TM l-1500-344-23, Aircraft Weapon Systems Cleaning and
Dilution of materials
will follow the recommendations in the aircraft -23 TM or the label on
the container. More is not always better! Comply with dilution
(2) Exposure to chemical compounds can pose potential health
Supervisory personnel must make sure everyone complies with
all products warning statements and placards.
Caution will be taken
to avoid direct skin contact with solvents, breathing of vapors and
ingestion by swallowing.
(3) The CPC program monitor will evaluate potential health
problems, and make sure proper equipment is used and all cautions are
goggles, gloves, aprons, and boots.
(4) Water temperature is important, warmer water is usually more
In the absence of specific aircraft washing instructions,
apply water from the bottom up, followed by scrubbing with approved
Be careful not to let
soap/solvent and then rinse from the top down.
It may be
soaps/solvents dry on the aircraft before rinsing.
necessary to cool the aircraft surfaces before washing to prevent
soap/solvent from drying.
(5) Generally aircraft should not be washed outdoors when the air
temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
(6) Comply with post, camp, station, or installation requirements
and guidelines for the disposal of waste products such as, water,
soap, and solvents.