(6) Unit SOP CPC procedures are complete and revised when
necessary, and all personnel are aware of and comply with them.
to re-enforce CPC inspection, detection and treatment skills. As a
minimum, it should include annual refresher training, appropriate to
the skill level of each job identified as needing training.
(8) The effectiveness of the unit's CPC program must be
continuously reviewed. All recommendations for improvement must be
reviewed and all approved changes should be promptly implemented.
The appointed Unit CPC program monitor will:
(1) Work with maintenance supervisors, technical inspectors, and
mechanics to determine the effectiveness of the Unit's CPC program;
advise the Commander on all CPC concerns and findings.
(2) Implement and coordinate the Commander's CPC program and make
sure that all unit personnel are properly trained appropriate to the
skill level of their job.
(3) Maintain or have access to a current reference library of
aviation CPC literature, to include as a minimum those items listed in
(4) Monitor techniques and proficiency of maintenance personnel
accomplishing corrosion inspections and aircraft washings, and take
prompt corrective action when needed.
This should include, but is not
limited to, spot checks of chemicals used, proper dilution of cleaning
compounds, and proper application of corrosion preventive and water
displacing compounds.
(5) Maintain training and performance records (manually or
automated) to include training received, and demonstrated proficiency
Conduct periodic record reviews and
for all effected personnel.
ensure that additional assistance is given as needed.
The unit CPC monitor will observe inspections and other
maintenance actions to determine the extent of corrosion on unit
aircraft, and make sure that prompt action is taken to treat any
corrosion detected.
b . All problems involving corrosion shall be entered on the
The status symbol
aircraft DA Form 2408-13-l per DA Pamphlet 738-751.
will depend on the degree of corrosion, location and allowable limits
for the area as directed by the applicable aircraft TM.