AVUM/AVIM activities and
contact AMCOM 2410 Hotline
at DSN 897-2410, Commercial (256) 313-2410, or E-mail
Depot/DOD activities and manufacturers contact Field Data
Division, Customer Interface Branch Hotline at DSN
Commercial (256)
or data fax DSN 897-2075,
Commercial (256) 313-2075.
3. All Corpus
Army Depot
personnel contact the
CCAD 2410 Hotline at DSN 861-4544, Commercial (512) 939-4544, or send
requests to Corpus
Army Depot, Mail Stop 55 Corpus
TX, 78419-6195, or data fax DSN 861-3352.
The disposition of toxic or hazardous material must be in
as implemented by the activities servicing environmental
Mutilation of condemned items is the act of
making the item unfit for its intended purpose. Mutilation of flight
safety parts or reportable components will be accomplished at the
lowest maintenance activity possible contingent on personnel and
equipment availability.
a. Mutilation of all parts and materials will be accomplished to make
them unusable for their original intended use, so that rework or
camouflage cannot restore such parts to the appearance of being
serviceable (by such processes as re-plating, shortening and
re-threading long bolts, welding, straightening, machining,
repainting, etc.).
Key points for mutilation of parts are alignment points and
attaching fittings which cannot possibly be repaired, restored,
replaced, or improvised and which are necessary factors in restoring
the next higher assembly to design function and capability.
to the extent that an item is flattened and completely destroyed is
Items that have a threaded part
the preferred method of mutilation.
shall have the threads removed or cut through so the threaded portion
Specific questions about key points for mutilation
can not be used.
of aeronautical parts shall be directed to AMCOM,
897-1323 or commercial (256) 313-1323.
Mutilation may be accomplished by one or a combination of the
following actions, but is not limited to: