TM l-1500-328-23
Permanently marking or stamping the parts, sub-components,
materiel as un-airworthy.
Ink stamping is usually not permanent
Removing original part number identification.
Removing data plate identification.
transferred by serial number or other individualized data, dates, and
Verification and Certification. A qualified maintenance
supervisor or technical inspector should witness the mutilation
In cases where witnessing the mutilation action could present
an unnecessary hazard and the mutilated materiel can be laid out to
clearly display the residue from each item mutilated, the act may be
vouched for through inspection of the residue.
a. After the item has been mutilated the verifying authority will
complete and submit Copy 3 of DA Form 2410 (Installation/Loss) per DA
Pamphlet 738-751, for all components listed in TB 1-1500-341-01 or the
ULLS-A component legitimate code file.
The only acceptable loss code
that may be entered in Block 66 (Reason for Loss) is
(loss through
Blocks 72 through 75 will be filled in.
The verifying
authority will put the following statement in the Remarks block
certify that the item identified on this document was mutilated IAW
Section IX of TM l-1500-328-23, Aeronautical Equipment Maintenance
Management Policies and Procedures, and/or DOD 4160.21-M, Defense
Demilitarization Manual." then sign and date the statement.
The loss
code of
and mutilation statement on DA Form 2410 certifies that
the item was mutilated.
FELONY, and may subject the individual to criminal prosecution.
b . When mutilation has been completed, the Remarks block of the DD
Form 1577, Unserviceable (Condemned) Tag-Materiel will be changed to
contain the statement "Mutilation has been accomplished IAW TM
The tag will remain attached to the largest portion
of the mutilated item when turned-in to the unit supply and local
Strict compliance with mutilation requirements and
procedures are essential to prevent possibility of continued
use of items which are not reparable, are potentially
unreliable and unsafe to operate for their original intended
Therefore, if any publication conflicts with the
provisions stated in this Section, the mutilation
instructions in this Technical Manual shall take precedence
over any other publication.