TM l-1500-328-23
Inventory Control of Cannibalized Managed Components.
numbers of AH-l, UH-1 and OH-58 aircraft are currently being retired.
Many of these aircraft have been designated for local parts salvage.
Activities authorized to "strip" and retain components must ensure
accountability of all tracked components, listed in TB l-1500-341-01
or the ULLS-A component legitimate code file, is maintained.
a. All tracked components removed and retained or turned-in to
supply per the disposition instructions must have a DA Form 2410
prepared and submitted per DA Pamphlet 738-751.
Unless specifically instructed, do not remove unserviceable
components and return them for overhaul.
AMCOM is aware of the amount of time required to document
tracked components; therefore, only serviceable items that are being
AMCOM will
retained will require the preparation of a DA Form 2410.
prepare the 2410s for all items that are still installed, when the
"Hulk" (stripped airframe) is ready for turn-in to the DRMO:
(1) Draw a line through all items on the DA Form 2408-16 and DA
AMCOM will
Form 2408-16-l that are being retained in the inventory.
delete all items not lined out from the AMCOM 2410 TAMMS inventory.
(2) Make a closing statement on DA Form 2408-15, include the
location of the DRMO, and any other significant information.
(3) Send copies of the current DA Form 2408-13, the most current
page of the aircraft DA Form 2408-15, and all DA
2408-16-1s to: Commander, AMCOM, ATTN:
Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL 35898-5000.
Commanders will ensure that all condemned Flight Safety
Critical Aviation Parts are mutilated per Section IX of this manual.
Accuracy in reporting components sent to the DRMO is essential,
significant problems could occur, if a unit reported an item as lost
to the inventory, and later it was discovered that the item was
installed on an operational aircraft.