Disposition instructions that direct disposal of the excess
Maintenance Training Aircraft or MTA through the DRMO will often
include a "save list." All TBO, RC, and CC items on the "save list"
will be turned in for depot level repair/overhaul.
(1) All items listed in TB l-1500-341-01 or the ULLS-A Component
Legitimate Code File will require the preparation of a DA Form 2410
(2) All RC and CC components not on the "save list" will be
condemned and mutilated before the aircraft, MTA, or training device
is turned-in to the DRMO.
(3) A close out entry on DA form 2408-15 is required per DA
Pamphlet 738-751.
(4) Forward required forms and records to AMCOM, per DA Pamphlet
Excess maintenance training aircraft or
that have no
civilian application, such as AH-1 and AH-64 series helicopter will
be demilitarized per DOD 4160.21-M.