(2) DA Form 2408-14-1, Uncorrected Fault Record Aircraft.
form is authorized for use to record Red
and Circled Red
and Category A or B training aircraft that are
conditions on
not used for ground run operations.
Enter "Grounding Conditions" in
the top margin of the form.
When the aircraft is transferred outside
of the training environment, all faults and deficiencies will be
re-entered to a DA Form 2408-13-l and the "Grounding Condition" DA
Form 2408-14-l will be discarded after the transfer.
(3) DA Form 2408-13 close out action is not needed for
Configuration Control.
Configuration control of training
aircraft and
is essential.
The training fleet should be
comparable to actual field aircraft. Modification Work Orders
should be applied to Category A and B aircraft as soon as practical.
Category A or B aircraft may have temporary local modifications
applied, with prior approval from AMCOM.
Local modifications to
are allowed provided the modification improves training, or corrects
a potentially unsafe situation resulting from the condition of the
and all types of training
MTA. Category A or B aircraft,
If training aircraft are
devices must not be allowed to deteriorate.
accidentally damaged, they must be promptly repaired.
If needed
repairs are beyond the capability of the activity, or exceed the
repair limits in TB
43-0002-3, Maintenance Expenditure Limits for Army Aircraft AMCOM
must be notified.
Records and Historical Data.
Logbook and historical data will
be maintained on all Category A and B aircraft, and
with managed components installed, and isolated aeronautical
elements. All requirements of TB l-1500-341-01 will apply.
Lost or Missing Logbook/Historical Data.
Category A and B
aircraft, and
that have incomplete or missing logbook/historical
data must have the data reconstructed.
13-10. DA
Form 2410
DA Form 2410 (Component Removal
Repair/Overhaul Record) submission is vital to the management of TC,
The aircraft maintenance-training environment
and CC items.
presents some unusual conditions that may require special variances
such as:
Components obtained from supply or through controlled exchange
to repair a MTA or other training device, or will be used, as an
isolated aeronautical element must be removed from the active
The loss will be reported using copy 3 of DA Form 2410.
In the Loss Code, block
In the Failure Code, block 10, use