TM 1-1510-262-10
h. ISA Conversion.
Description. The ISA Conversion graph (Fig. 7-8) allows conversion to ISA.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to convert to ISA, given free air temperature in degrees Celsius and
pressure altitude in feet.
i. Fahrenheit to Celsius Temperature Conversion.
(1) Description. The Fahrenheit to Celsius Temperature Conversion graph (Fig. 7-9) depicts the relation-
ship between temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to convert from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius or degrees Cel-
sius to degrees Fahrenheit.
j. Static Take-off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes Retracted or Extended.
(1) Description. The Static Take-off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes Retracted or Extended graphs (Fig.
7-10 and 7-11) depict the power which must be available for takeoff without exceeding engine limitations.
(2) Purpose. These graphs are used to determine static take-off power available at 1700 RPM for a given
free air temperature in degrees Celsius and ield pressure altitude in feet. One graph is provided for ice vanes
retracted and the other for ice vanes extended. Torque will increase with increasing airspeed.
k. Wind Components.
(1) Description. The Wind Components graph (Fig. 7-12) allows conversion of wind direction, wind
speed, and angle between wind direction and light path to headwind and crosswind speed components.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine the headwind component and crosswind component in
knots when the wind speed in knots and the angle between the wind direction and light path in degrees are known.
l. Maximum Take-Off Weight Permitted by Enroute Climb Requirements.
(1) Description. The Maximum Take-off Weight Permitted by Enroute Climb Requirements graph (Fig.
7-13) provides the one engine inoperative climb performance weight limit as a function of ield pressure altitude and
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine the maximum weight at which the aircraft can take off and
still meet the minimum one engine inoperative rate of climb capability, given ield pressure altitude in feet and
temperature in degrees Celsius. Refer to the Climb - One Engine Inoperative graph for the actual climb capabilities
applicable to the temperature and altitude being considered. For operation with ice vanes extended, reduce the
weight determined from the graph by 1800 pounds.
m. Maximum Take-Off Weight To Achieve Positive One Engine Inoperative Climb At Lift-off - Flaps Up.
(1) Description. The Maximum Take-off Weight to Achieve Positive One Engine Inoperative Climb at
Liftoff Flaps Up graph (Fig. 7-14) provides the one engine inoperative liftoff climb performance weight limit as a
function of ield pressure altitude and temperature.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine the maximum weight at which the aircraft can take off with
laps up, have an engine failure, and be able to attain a positive rate of climb at liftoff, given ield pressure altitude
in feet and free air temperature in degrees Celsius. For operation with ice vanes extended, add 1700 feet to ield
pressure altitude before entering graph.