TM 1-1510-262-10
aj. Climb-One Engine Inoperative.
(1) Description. The Climb-One Engine Inoperative graph (Fig. 7-37) depicts the rate of climb to be
expected in feet per minute at 130 knots for all aircraft weights with one propeller feathered, landing gear and laps
retracted, and maximum continuous power on the operating engine.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine the rate of climb in feet per minute and climb gradient in %
for a one engine inoperative climb with gear and laps up, given free air temperature in degrees Celsius, pressure
altitude in feet, and aircraft weight in pounds. For operation with ice vanes extended, rate of climb will be reduced
by approximately 220 feet per minute.
ak. Service Ceiling-One Engine Inoperative.
(1) Description. The Service Ceiling-One Engine Inoperative graph (Fig. 7-38) depicts the maximum
pressure altitude at which the aircraft is capable of climbing at 50 feet per minute with one propeller feathered.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine the maximum pressure altitude at which the aircraft is ca-
pable of climbing at 50 feet per minute with one propeller feathered, given free air temperature in degrees Celsius
and aircraft weight in pounds. For operation with ice vanes extended, the service ceiling will be lowered by approxi-
mately 1800 feet.
al. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Cruise Climb.
(1) Description. The Time, Fuel, and Distance to Cruise Climb graph (Fig. 7-39) depicts the time, fuel,
and distance to cruise climb.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine the time, fuel, and distance required to cruise climb, given
the beginning and ending free air temperature in degrees Celsius, beginning and ending pressure altitude in feet,
and the initial climb aircraft weight in pounds. To account for start, taxi, and takeoff add 120 pounds of fuel. For
operation with ice vanes extended, add 15C to the actual FAT before entering the graph.
am. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM.
(1) Description. The Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM tables (Fig. 7-40 through 7-47) show fuel low,
airspeed, and torque for various light conditions.
(2) Purpose. These tables are used to determine fuel low per engine, total fuel low, indicated airspeed,
and true airspeed, given pressure altitude in feet, indicated free air temperature in degrees Celsius, free air tem-
perature in degrees Celsius, aircraft weight in pounds, and torque per engine in percent. During operations with
ice vanes extended, torque will decrease approximately 12%, fuel low will decrease approximately 8%, and true
airspeed will be reduced by approximately 15 knots.
an. Maximum Cruise Speeds at 1700 RPM.
(1) Description. The Maximum Cruise Speeds at 1700 RPM graph (Fig. 7-48) depicts the relationship
between maximum cruise speed, pressure altitude, ISA condition, and aircraft weight in pounds. During operation
with ice vanes extended, true airspeed will be reduced approximately 15 knots.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine maximum cruise speed, given pressure altitude in feet and
ISA condition, and aircraft weight in pounds. During operation with ice vanes extended, true airspeed will be
reduced by approximately 15 knots.
ao. Maximum Cruise Power At 1700 RPM.
(1) Description. The Maximum Cruise Power At 1700 RPM graph (Fig. 7-49) depicts the recommended
torque setting to attain maximum cruise power.