TM 1-1510-262-10
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine the recommended torque setting for maximum cruise power,
given indicated free air temperature in degrees Celsius, pressure altitude in feet, and aircraft weight in pounds.
During operation with ice vanes extended, torque will decrease approximately 12%.
ap. Fuel Flow at Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM.
(1) Description. The Fuel Flow at Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM graph (Fig. 7-50) depicts the fuel
low per engine in pounds per hour at maximum cruise power.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine maximum cruise power fuel low per engine given indicated
free air temperature in degrees Celsius, pressure altitude in feet, and aircraft weight in pounds. During operation
with ice vanes extended, fuel low will decrease 8%.
aq. Range Proile - Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM.
(1) Description. The Range Proile - Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM graph (Fig. 7-51) depicts
range at maximum cruise power.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine range in nautical miles for various fuel loads and fuel tank
combinations, given pressure altitude in feet and true airspeed in knots. Range allows for start, taxi, and runup;
includes cruise climb and descent; and allows for 45 minutes reserve fuel at maximum range power. At 16,620
pounds ramp weight, the maximum zero fuel weight limitation of 13,100 pounds would be exceeded at fuel loading
less than 3520 pounds.
ar. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM.
(1) Description. The Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM tables (Fig. 7-52 through 7-59) show fuel low,
airspeed, and torque for various light conditions.
(2) Purpose. These tables are used to determine fuel low per engine, total fuel low, indicated airspeed,
and true airspeed, given pressure altitude in feet, indicated free air temperature in degrees Celsius, free air tem-
perature in degrees Celsius, aircraft weight in pounds, and torque per engine in percent. During operation with ice
vanes extended, torque will decrease by approximately 12%, fuel low will decrease by approximately 8%, and true
airspeed will be reduced by approximately 15 knots.
as. Normal Cruise Speeds at 1500 RPM.
(1) Description. The Normal Cruise Speeds at 1500 RPM graph (Fig. 7-60) depicts the relationship be-
tween normal cruise speed, pressure altitude, and ISA condition.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine maximum cruise speed, given pressure altitude in feet, ISA
condition, and aircraft weight in pounds. During operation with ice vanes extended, true airspeed will be reduced by
approximately 15 knots.
at. Normal Cruise Power At 1500 RPM.
(1) Description. The Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM graph (Fig. 7-61) depicts the torque setting to
attain normal cruise power.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine the torque setting for normal cruise power, given indicated
free air temperature in degrees Celsius or ISA, pressure altitude in feet, and aircraft weight in pounds.
au. Fuel Flow at Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM.
(1) Description. The Fuel Flow at Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM graph (Fig. 7-62) depicts the fuel
low per engine in pounds per hour at normal cruise power.
(2) Purpose. This graph is used to determine normal cruise power fuel low per engine, given indicated
free air temperature, pressure altitude in feet, and aircraft weight in pounds. During operations with ice vanes
extended, torque will decrease by approximately 12%.