TM 1-1510-262-10
f. Engine Malfunction During Final Approach (Second Engine). If an engine malfunctions during inal ap-
proach (after LANDING CHECK) the propeller should not be manually feathered unless time and altitude permit or
conditions require it.
Continue approach using the following procedure:
1. Airspeed -- As required.
2. POWER lever -- IDLE.
3. PROP lever -- As Required.
4. Conduct engine restart procedure, if time and altitude permit.
In the event of failure of both engines, maximum gliding distance is obtained by feathering both propellers to reduce
propeller drag and by maintaining the appropriate airspeed with the gear and laps up. Utilize Figure 9-1 gives the
approximate gliding distances in relation to altitude. The procedure to follow in the event of failure of both engines
is as follows:
1. Gear -- UP.
@ FLAPS -- UP.
Determine that procedures for restarting irst and second failed engines are ineffective before feath-
ering second engine propeller.
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