TM 1-1520-253-23 Marking and Recording of Inspection Results. Mark and record the inspection results as required by Demagnetization. With the switch remaining in the AC position, place the probe/yoke legs in the same position
used for magnetizing. Press the test switch and withdraw the probe/yoke from the part for a distance of two feet before
releasing the switch.
2.10.4 Backup Method. None required.
2.10.5 System Securing. Clean the centrifugal droop stop bolts thoroughly to remove all residual magnetic particle
media. Refer to Post Cleaning and Restoration of Part or Area After NDI, paragraph 1.4.16. The centrifugal droop stop
bolts require installation in accordance with the applicable technical manuals listed in Table 1-1.
2.11.1 Description (Figure 2-1. Index No. 11). The rotary-wing blades are composite structures that consist of a D-
shaped fiberglass spar, titanium leading edge, nickel erosion cap, and a fairing having fiberglass skins over nomex
honeycomb bonded to the spar. This inspection is to verify any void indications found visually.
2.11.2 Defects. Void damage may occur anywhere on both sides of the blade.
A void is defined as an unbonded area that is supposed to be bonded. Many sub-definitions of
voids are given such as lack of adhesive, gas pocket, misfit, etc. However, this manual makes no
distinction among these, grouping them all under one general term ("void").