TM 1-1520-253-23
Marking and Recording of Inspection Results.
Mark and record the inspection results as required by
Demagnetization. With the switch remaining in the AC position, place the probe/yoke legs in the same
position used for magnetizing. Press the test switch and withdraw the probe/yoke from the part for a distance of two feet
before releasing the switch.
3.18.4 Backup Method. None required.
3.18.5 System Securing. Clean the engine transmission thoroughly to remove all residual magnetic particle media.
Refer to Post Cleaning and Restoration of Part or Area After NDI, paragraph 1.4.16. The engine transmission quill shaft
requires installation in accordance with the applicable technical manuals listed in Table 1-1.
3.19.1 Description (Figure 3-1. Index No.19). The engine transmissions turn the direction of engine torque 90 degrees
to direct it toward the combining transmission.
3.19.2 Defects. Defects may occur anywhere on the surface of the engine transmission. Any damaged area should be
inspected both before and after rework. No cracks are allowed.
3.19.3 Primary Method. Eddy Current.
a. Eddy Current Inspection Unit
b. Probe, straight, shielded surface, 100 KHz-500 KHz
Probe, right angle, shielded surface, 100 KHz-500 KHz, 901/2 inch drop
d. Cable Assembly
e. Reference Block, three-notched aluminum (0.008, 0.020, and 0.040 EDM notches)
g. Aircraft Marking Pencil, refer to Table 1-8