0005 00
TM 1-4920-438-13&P
Stencil on ISO jack indicates handle rotation to raise or lower jack.
3. Ensure ISO jack is lowered completely.
4. Place upper jack attachment insert (9) on upper jack support bracket (10) on corner post.
5. Insert ISO jack attachment (7) into lower ISO fitting (8) of shelter.
6. Turn locking handle (11) to rotate ISO jack attachment on jack to lock.
7. Rotate handle (6) on ISO jack to raise until safety pin (12) can be installed.
8. Install safety pin (12).
9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 at three remaining corner posts.
Shelter shall be raised a minimum of 3 inches (7.6 cm) off ground.
10. Raise all ISO jacks simultaneously, at each corner of shelter, to prevent excessive strain on ISO jacks or
Four personnel are required to perform all of the following procedures.
1. Remove level from Shelter Basic Issue Items (BII) Box.
2. Level both cargo and personnel end from side to side, and middle of shelter from end to end by adjusting ISO
jacks accordingly.