Chapter 1 GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATION FOR POWER TRAIN SHOPGENERAL INFORMATION - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0015LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0016QUALITY OF MATERIAL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0017SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLING - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0018SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0019EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0021Figure 2. Transport Mode Component View. - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0022Figure 3. Operational Mode Component View. - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0023EQUIPMENT DATA - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0024THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0025Chapter OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR POWER TRAIN SHOPDESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0029SHELTER OPENING SEQUENCE - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0031INITIAL LEVELING - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0032SHELTER EXPANSION - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0033SHELTER EXPANSION cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0034SHELTER EXPANSION cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0035POSITIONING HINGED SIDEWALL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0036POSITIONING HINGED JACKS FOR LEVELING - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0037POSITIONING HINGED JACKS FOR LEVELING cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0038POSITIONING ROOF AND HINGED END WALLS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0039POSITIONING ROOF AND HINGED END WALLS cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0040POSITIONING ROOF AND HINGED END WALLS cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0041POSITIONING ROOF AND HINGED END WALLS cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0042SECURING SHELTER - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0043INSTALLING CEILING LIGHTS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0044INSTALLING CEILING LIGHTS cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0045INSTALLING CABLE AND RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0046INSTALLING AREA LIGHT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0047CONNECTING ELECTRICITY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0049EXTERNAL GROUNDING OF SHELTER - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0050CONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0051CONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0052CONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0053CONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0054POSITIONING ECUs - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0055COUNTERBALANCE CABLE RETAINING BLOCK REMOVAL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0056OPENING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANELS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0057OPENING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANELS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0058OPENING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANELS cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0059POSITIONING ECUs - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0060POSITIONING ECUs - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0061POSITIONING ECUs cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0062CONNECTING POWER TO ECUs - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0063POSITIONING SHOP EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0065EYEWASH STATION - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0066CABINET G - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0067CABINET E - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0068CABINET F - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0069REFRIGERATORCONNECTING COMPRESSED AIR AND WATER - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0071WATER SUPPLY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0072CHECKING SHELTER LEVEL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0073DISCONNECTING COMPRESSED AIR AND WATER - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0075WATER SUPPLY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0076REPOSITIONING SHOP EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0077REPOSITIONING SHOP EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0078CABINET F - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0079CABINET E - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0080CABINET G - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0081EYEWASH STATION - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0082REPOSITIONING ECUs - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0083REPOSITIONING ECUs - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0084REPOSITIONING ECUs cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0085CLOSING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANEL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0086CLOSING ECU FOLD-DOWN PANEL cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0087COUNTERBALANCE CABLE RETAINING BLOCK INSTALLATION - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0088DISCONNECTING ELECTRICITY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0089DISCONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0090DISCONNECTING MAIN POWER CABLE cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0091DISCONNECTING PDB FROM GENERATOR - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0092REMOVING EXTERNAL GROUND ROD - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0093SHELTER CLOSING SEQUENCE - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0095REMOVING CABLE AND RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0096REMOVING CEILING LIGHTS FROM HINGED ROOF - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0097RELEASING SHELTER LATCHES - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0098RELEASING SHELTER WALLS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0099LOWERING SHELTER ROOF - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0100LOWERING SHELTER ROOF cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0101RAISING HINGED FLOOR - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0102RAISING HINGED FLOOR cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0103LOWERING SHELTER - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0104SECURING THE SHELTER - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0105OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0107OPERATION IN HIGH WINDS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0108OPERATION IN HIGH WINDS cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0109OPERATION IN HIGH WINDS cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0110OPERATION DURING BLACKOUT CONDITIONS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0111Chapter 3 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES FOR POWER TRAIN SHOPChapter 4 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR POWER TRAIN SHOPSERVICE UPON RECEIPT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0117BASIC SHOP EQUIPMENT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0119FIRST AID KIT BRACKET - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0120BAYONET NEIL CONCELMAN (BNC) CABLE ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0121Test - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0122GROUNDING ROD - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0123Inspect cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0124DOOR HASP - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0125Install - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0126FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKET - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0127INSPECT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0128INSTALL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0129ECU LARGE CLOSEOUT PANEL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0131ECU ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0133ECU POWER CABLE ASSEMBLIES - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0134Replace - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0135Replace cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0136Cargo End - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0137BOX CONNECTOR FOR ECU POWER CABLE - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0138Install - TM-1-4920-438-13-P013930A CIRCUIT BREAKER - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0140Test - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0141Remove - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0142SERVICES UTILITY PANEL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0143REPLACE - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0144WATER FEED-THRU CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0145Remove - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0146Install - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0147Install cont'dAIR FEED-THRU CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0149Remove - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0150Install - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0151Install cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0152WATER/OIL SEPARATOR - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0153INSPECT - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0154INSPECT cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0155NON-METALLIC HOSE AND FITTINGS]Remove - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0157Remove cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0158Install - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0159Install cont'd - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0160CABINET BRACKETS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0161REMOVE - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0162DEGREASER BRACKETINSTALL - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0164SINGLE CYLINDER BRACKETREMOVE - TM-1-4920-438-13-P016625-TON ARBOR PRESSREPAIR - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0168WALL/FLOOR INSERTS, BOLTS, AND PLUGS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0169FLOOR PLUGS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0170ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0171Figure 1. Cabinet Bracket, Part No. 17A6X0007 - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0173Figure 2. Mounting Bracket, Part No. 17A6X0008 Figure 3. Angle Bracket, Part No. 17A6X0016 Figure 4. Single Cylinder Mod Bracket Assembly, Part No. 17A6X0017Figure 5. Single Cylinder Bracket Assembly, Part No. 17A631015. (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 5. Single Cylinder Bracket Assembly, Part No. 17A631015. (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 6. Ring Brace Assembly, Part No. 17A631016. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 6. Ring Brace Assembly, Part No. 17A631016. (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7. First Aid Kit Bracket, Part No. 20089721. (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 7. First Aid Kit Bracket, Part No. 20089721. (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 7. First Aid Kit Bracket, Part No. 20089721. (Sheet 3 of 3)TORQUE LIMITS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0185CHAPTER 5 SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR POWER TRAIN SHOPREFERENCES - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0189MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0191Aviation Unit Maintenance (AMC) - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0192Use of the MAC - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0193Explanation of Entries in the MAC - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0194Component/Assembly Description - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0195Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0196MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0197Table 1. MAC for Power Train Shop. cont'dTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment for Power Train Shop.REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0201Source Code - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0202Maintenance Code - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0203Recoverability Code - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0204Explanation of Cross-Reference Indexes Work Packages Format and Columns - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0205How to Locate Repair Parts - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0206REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0207Figure 1. Basic Shop Equipment.GROUP 00 BASIC SHOP EQUIPMENTFigure 2. ECU Large Closeout Panel. (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2. ECU Large Closeout Panel. (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2. ECU Large Closeout Panel. (Sheet 3 of 3)GROUP 0001 ECU LARGE CLOSEOUT PANELFigure 3. ECU Electrical Installation.GROUP 0002 ECU ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONFigure 4. Water/Oil Separator Installation.GROUP 0003 WATER/OIL SEPARATORFigure 5. Services Utility Panel.GROUP 0004 SERVICES UTILITY PANELFigure 6. Fire Extinguisher Bracket.GROUP 01 FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKETFigure 7. Cabinet Brackets.GROUP 02 CABINET BRACKETSFigure 8. Wall and Floor Inserts.GROUP 03 WALL AND FLOOR INSERTSFigure 9. Degreaser Brackets.GROUP 04 DEGREASER BRACKETSFigure 10. Single Cylinder Brackets.GROUP 05 SINGLE CYLINDER BRACKETSFigure 11. 25-Ton Arbor Press Brackets.GROUP 06 25-TON ARBOR PRESS BRACKETSPECIAL TOOLS LIST - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0233NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0235PART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0237COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTS - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0239Figure - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0240Figure - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0241Figure - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0242Table 1. Components of End Items (COEI) List. - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0243Table 1. Components of End Items (COEI) List. - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0244Table 1. Components of End Items (COEI) List. - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0245EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0247Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. - TM-1-4920-438-13-P0248TM-1-4920-438-13-P Power Train P/N SC492097CLA65 Manual