TM 10-4930-351-14
0083 00
Inspect cover (3) to determine if cut or deteriorated.
Replace all O-rings and retaining rings with new O-rings coated with silicone compound and new retaining rings.
Replace parts that are damaged or defective as authorized.
Apply light coat of petrolatum to all O-ring and other contacting surfaces.
Coat O-rings with silicone compound. Install O-rings (12) on cycling valve stem (11) and O-rings (5) on valve body (6).
Install retaining ring (9) on valve body (6) with the convex side towards the washer (8).
Place spring (7), washer (8) and valve body (6) on the cycling valve stem (11).
10. Place button (4) on cycling valve stem (11) and align hole in button with hole in cycling valve stem (11).
11. Install setscrew (13) in button (4) and cycling valve stem (11).
12. Hold valve body (6), and apply pressure on spring (7) with washer (8) until valve body is on cycling valve stem (11).
13. Install retaining ring (10) on cycling valve stem (11) to hold valve body (6) in place.
Do not apply excess pressure on cycling valve while installing as action could damage exposed O-rings.
14. Place assembled cycling valve in the pressure control and adjust cycling valve assembly to align holes in washer (8) with
mounting holes in pressure control.
15. Install cover (3) over cycling valve assembly, aligning mounting holes with mounting holes in pressure control body.
16. Place ring (1) over cycling valve assembly and align ring holes with mounting holes in pressure control body.
17. Install capscrews (2) through ring (1) and tighten securely.
0083 00-7