wooden paddle if' mechanical mixers
(1) Place aircraft on a wash rack,
are not available, Rollings a drum will not
preferably in a shaded area, and attach a static
mix its content very effectively. At
temperatures below 60F, the removal
(2) For best results, ambient temper-
power of removers will be noticeably
ature should be approximately between 50 and
slower than at higher temperatures.
100F (10 and 37C). Do not attempt to ac-
complish paint removal in rain, or on aircraft sur-
Applying Removers. Beginning at the
faces which are not dry.
highest point of any vertical or sloping surface,
(3) When painted surface is exceptional-
apply a coat of remover, with a long handle,
ly dirty or coated with fuel, oil, grease, mud, or
nonmetallic brush. Barrel pump and spray gun
other foreign matter, clean it before applying
may be used for application of removers. In no
case should the spray be highly atomized. Agitate
with a stiff fiber brush, if necessary, to loosen
Drying. After aircraft has been cleaned,
paint. A wet film of remover should be maintained
allow sufficient time for surfaces and crevices to
on the surface being stripped to obtain efficient
dry thoroughly. Water remaining on surfaces and
removal. This may require additional application
in crevices has a detrimental effect on paint
of the remover. Areas should be treated pro-
gressively, kept wet, and sufficient time allowed
for the stripping action. Best results are obtained
by applying removers in shaded areas since
sunlight dries the remover quickly,
Paint remover that is old is not
necessarily unsatisfactory for use
although it deteriorates progressively
with age in removal effectiveness, par-
Prolonged breathing of remover fumes
titularly if subjected to open air and
must be avoided. Use only in well ven-
temperatures over 100 Fahrenheit.
tilated areas.
More important, there is an increasing
potential of corrosiveness upon its ag-
ing. Close surveillance shall be made of
material age when it is to be used on air-
The OV-1 fuselage is sealed at the fuse-
craft surfaces. Any material which is
lage skin joints; therefore, rapid paint
questionable by reason of age, or im-
stripping and thorough flushing is nec-
proper storage, shall be laboratory
tested for continued conformance to
specification, with particular reference
to the corrosive potential, prior to being
Painted Surfaces. Enamel surfaces
used on aircraft surface. Any remover
should wrinkle within 5 to 15 minutes after ap-
found not to be in accordance with
plication. Most surfaces with lacquer or
Military Specifications will be dis-
polyurethane paint will not wrinkle but will merely
be softened by the remover; allow remover to
remain 8 to 20 minutes, keeping a wet surface by
applying another coat of remover if necessary.
Removers must be well mixed before
use as they tend to segregate on
Cleanup of Stripped Surfaces.
standing. Do this by agitating with a