In repetitive spraying of the same or
similar structures, it is advisable to have available
pre-designed bandages, socks, etc., of barrier
Painting materials shall be prepared for
paper or cloth.
application under dry and clean conditions with
dry and clean equipment.
Avoid using tape in such a way as to leave
a paint edge on aerodynamic surfaces unless
Paint shops shall be equipped with con-
feathering by sanding can be done safely.
tinuous mechanical paint agitators of suitable
capacity. The proper sequence for preparing
Use only approved masking tapes in vary-
packaged materials prior to each use is as
ing widths required by the job. A complex or curv-
ed area is better masked initially at the paint
edges with narrow (1/2 inch) tape. Wider tape may
(1) Allow materials to come to room
then be applied over the narrow, if required.
Use only approved masking paper for large
(2) Remove lids and inspect contents for
area masking. Coating solvents may dissolve and
skinover, gelling, lumps, etc. Skins, if present,
deposit printing ink from newspapers, etc., on the
shall be carefully removed and discarded, retain-
surface of the area being masked; hence, s u c h
ing liquids which drain from them. Gelled, lumpy
materials should be avoided as masking materi-
or otherwise deteriorated paints shall not be us-
ed, but properly discarded.
When spray painting, mask or cover sur-
faces at a distance from the area being painted
which might receive over-spray or paint drift.
Cans of the pigmented component of
Masking tapes should be removed as soon
MI L-C-46168 paint with non-resealable
as possible after coating application.
lids should not be opened and in-
spected until after the original mechani-
Press tape firmly at the masking edge
when applying it to prevent paint bleeding under it
by capillary action.
(3) Thoroughly agitate all component
containers, using a mechanical agitator prior to
mixing or thinning and again prior to and during
Care should be taken to insure that
application. Agitation must be continuous during
paint is not applied to certain surfaces
application to assure uniformity of pigment.
where paint will interfere with a func-
tion. The following should be masked or
Use automatic mixing and proportioning
otherwise protected during painting:
devices, if possible. When automatic equipment
Machined surfaces that move with
is not available, mix paint as follows:
respect to each other such as threads,
slip rods. bearing contacts and gear
(1) Breakup sediment remaining in
teeth; electrical parts, such as contacts,
original container with a clean wood or metal pad-
dle; stir until a smooth, uniform, heavy paste
connectors, wiring and terminals; plas-
tic and rubber (natural and synthetic)
mounts, spacers, etc, and lubrication
fittings, cups, oil holes, etc. Do not
tainer to the four to one ratio specified. (This ap-
paint interior of bomb racks or other
plies only to MIL-C-46168). Respirator must be
actuators except as noted on
manufacturer's drawing.