Complete repainting of main and tall ro-
When rotor blades are bonded
tor blades on UH-60 UH-1, OH-56 and
construction, the original finish should
AH-1 aircraft is normally accomplished
not be stripped because of possible
during blade overhaul only. Main and
harmful effects of paint strippers on
tall rotor blades are individually bal-
anced (spanwise and chordwise) to
Personnel should consult applicable
master blades during overhaul after
maintenance manuals for removal of
painting to insure interchangeability
between blades of the same configura-
tion. Painting of blades In the field may
cause subsequent interchangeability
Paint Application. When applying primer or fin-
ish coats, the blades and propellers must be in a hori-
zontal position, and retained in that position until the
paint or primer has set. Primer and finish coats should
be sprayed on lightly and uniformly. Surfaces will be
Minor touch up is only needed.
prepared and primed as specified in Chapter 2 unless
Paint Procedures for Drive Shaft and
otherwise directed. Topcoat finishing materials should
conform to those materials listed herein.
Couplings. Polish out all surface defects with Scotch
Brite (7447-B TYPE II) (26066). Touch up polished
area with paint epoxy primer base 1-1G-69 (06367)
Balancing. After complete repainting or exten-
and epoxy primer hardener 1-H-75 (06367) or a suit-
able substitute. First apply awash primer (MIL-C-8514
sive touch-up. the propellers and blades must be reba-
lanced in an intermediate maintenance or overhaul
1 hour.
maintenance facility.
For tactical aircraft.
aircraft if it contains details about painting blades, spin-
ner or hubs.
CH-54 main and tail rotor blades shall
(2) If sufficient data does not exist in Chap-
be painted and balanced by the over-
haul activity only.
ters 9 and 10, the standard tactical finish shall be
craft Black, MIL-C-46168, No. 37038, on both sides.
AH-64 main and tail rotor blades com-
(3) The exterior surface of unplated hubs,
plete repainting or extensive touch up
fore and aft, will be painted with Aircraft Black,
should be accomplished at an approved
MIL-C-46168, No. 37038.
overhaul facility because of balance re-
(4) On OV-1 aircraft blade data markings,
propeller barrel, and dome assembly, markings shall
be as follows:
Paint an Orange-Yellow, No.
33538, blade angle checking station marking .0375
inch wide and 2.5 inches long at 42 inch station on the
face side (opposite of direction of flight) of blades.
Painting of main rotor, tail rotor, and
The blade drawing number,
propeller blades may create out-of-
serial number, low, feather, reverse and correction
balance and unacceptable vibration
angles and the blade alignment reference (B. A. R.) val-
conditions. Strict adherence to instruc-
ue shall be stenciled on the camber side (direction of
tions is required to reduce the probabil-
flight side) of the blade at mid-chord position. The let-
ity of creating these out-of-balance
ters used shall be 1/2 inch high and placed so as to be
conditions. Care must be exercised to
read from the trailing edge. The lettering shall start be-
apply proportionate amounts of paint to
tween the 18 and 24 inch stations. These markings
each blade to maintain proper balance.
shall be Orange-Yellow.