Section Il.
e. Replacing Previous Schemes. Propellers
a. Purpose. The finish used on propellers and
and blades painted to previous non-tactical paint
rotor blades iS applied to prevent corrosion or
schemes need not be repainted to the optimum
high visiblitiy scheme unless repainting is needed
erosion from sand particles, dust, for anti-glare
purposes, to decrease visibility of tactical aircraft
or overhaul. TOE/MTOE helicopters which are
used in some areas.
painted with low reflective tactical paint schemes
using MIL-C-46168, aircraft green. or aircraft grey,
b. Paint Schemes and Shades. Paint schemes
and shades for propeller assemblies and rotor
will not have the striped high visibility paint
scheme applied to main or tail rotor blades. These
aircraft will have blades painted in accordance
c. Tactical vs Non-Tactical Optimum High
with MIL-C-46168, aircraft black #37038.
Visibility Schemes. Propeller assemblies and
f. Precedence. Concerning touch up, over
rotor blades of tactical aircraft in tactical areas or
painting, stripping, paint application and balanc-
in normal CONUS areas shall be painted accord-
ing; if the contents of this TM disagree with
ing to the standard tactical paint schemes. The
instructions in the aircraft maintenance manual or
non-tactical optimum high visibility paint
in overhaul manuals, the latter manuals take pre-
schemes for propeller assemblies and rotor
cedence over this TM.
blades are permissible for TDA helicopters and
These schemes are to provide high visibility of
blades may be lightly touched up between over-
propellers and rotor blades under the following
haul periods while installed on the aircraft. Care
will be exercised to apply proportionate amounts
of paint to each blade to maintain proper balance.
(1) High density aircraft on the ground to
Where touchup paint can be applied to all blades
reduce the risk of personnel walking into propel-
of an assembly in proportionate amounts, balance
lers or tail rotor blades.
need not be accomplished. This IS not to be inter-
preted as an authorization for deletion of propeller
(2) High density aircraft in the air to
or blade balance at overhaul, or at any other time,
reduce mid-air collision by making the aircraft
when balancing is normally required.
below more visible.
h. Overpainting for Optimum High Visibility.
(3) Visibility of downed aircraft in arctic,
The optimum high visibility non-tactical stripes in
jungle or desert areas.
existing tactical paint scheme. Similarly, the tacti-
(4) Visibility of downed VIP aircraft.
cal paint scheme will not be added over the high
visibility paint scheme. The blades should be
(5) Visibility of aircraft in a training envi-
stripped, painted and rebalanced.
i. Stripping. Ensure all blade data and mark-
ings are obtained prior to stripping paint from
d. Requirement. Before selecting the opti-
blades so that the same data and markings may
mum high visibility paint scheme, commanders
be restenciled on applicable blades subsequent
should give consideration to the requirements for
to repainting. Propeller blades of fixed wing air-
funds, painting and balancing equipment, and
craft will not be stripped during aircraft repainting
personnel to properly support the high visibility
unless necessary.
paint scheme.