TM 55-1500-345-23
(19) Warning Decal for use of Engine Con-
(7) Communication/Navigation
dition levers Below 17 C on CH-47C.
Box Identification Labels on UH-1, AH-1 and
OH-58. These labels identify the location of the
control boxes in the console. Remove these labels
from the side of the center console.
tion Placard.
e. Redundant labels of Instrument on UH-1,
Cargo Caution Decal on UH-1.
and OH-58. Several instruments on the UH-1, AH-1
and OH-58 have their function displayed on the
instrument and also on a placard or label on the
(9) Airframe Overhaul Facility or Quality
panel adjacent to the particular instrument.
Control Identification Decals.
Remove these
Remove all duplicate labeling from the instrument
decals from the crewstation area and reposition
panel. Judgement must be exercised before
them to another location inside of the aircraft. The
removing these labels. For example, on the UH-1,
decals should be located so that they will not be
there are two temperature displays having the same
easily rubbed or subjected to unnecessary weather-
dial face, but one is used for the engine and the
ing. They should be readable during daylight condi-
other is used for the transmissions; both panel
labels for these two instruments shall remain. The
gas producer display, on the other hand, has dupli-
cate labeling on the instrument and on the instru-
Engine Caution Decal on UH-1.
ment panel: the panel label should be removed.
Stabilizer Engine Decal on UH-1.
f. VNE Computer on CH-47. Do not make any
change to this computer.
(12) Crashworthy Fuel System Installed
g. Marking General. Any placards, decals,
markings, or labeling not discussed above shall be
retained but modified if necessary to have lusterless
Aircraft White #37875 lettering/marking on a low
(13) Operating Limits Decal on UH-1,
reflective black background.
AH-1 and OH-58.
h. Placard Material. Placards may be made of
L-P-387A plastic sheet, laminated, type NDP, 1/6
Engine installation Decal on UH-1.
inch thick, opaque, dull black face with white core;
or equivalent.
(15) GO-NO-GO Take-off Data Placard.
Place TEAC maximum N1, RPM% and data entries
i. Adhesives. Before applying decals, plac-
in the front of the aircraft log book where it can be
ards, tape or labels, lightly sand the paint in the area
referred to easily.
of application, Adhesive EC847 may be used for
(16) Minimum Crew Weight Placard on
j. Touch-up.
If the instrument panel was
UH-1 and AH-1.
already painted with black before receipt of this TM,
remove and/or replace markings, placards, labels,
etc., according to the instructions in para 4-5. Touch
(17) Environmental Control Unit Limit
up the panel.
Decal on AH-1
k. Removal of Decals, Labels, etc. To remove
(18) XM-28 Warning Hydraulic Pressure
decals, labels, etc. follow TM-l -1500-204-23-1, or
Low Decal on AH-1.
use a razor blade.
Change 8