Emergency Exit Markings on AH-1.
(1) Canopy Jettison. This labeling was
a. General.
used on the AH-1 canopy frame in those aircraft
using the older manual canopy jettison system.
The newer linear explosive canopy jettison sys-
Orange-Yellow, No. 33538, MIL-C-46168.
tem does not require the use of this Iabeling on
(2) Doors and door frames shall be
the canopy frame.
painted Aircraft Black, No. 37038, MIL-C-46168, in
(2) Canopy Eject Handles and Labeling.
Apply the orange/yellow/black diagonal striping
(3) The information in the following para-
on the handles. The words CANOPY EJECTION
are to be 1/4 inch orange/yellow words on the
Section X and in Chapter 8 concerning interior
black background.
markings for the cockpit area.
(3) Exit placards/markings shall read as
(4) Striping on the door shall consist of
they originally existed except in Orange-Yellow,
Orange-Yellow, No. 33538, MIL-C-46168, markings
No. 33538. on the black background.
1/2 inch by 1 inch (positioned lengthwise) spaced
one foot apart around the door.
d. Emergency Exit Markings on OH-58.
(1) Apply the words EMERGENCY RELEASE
on the diagonal forward portion of the door frames
as close to the door jettison handles as possible.
b. Emergency Exit Markings on UH-1.
(2) Apply the word PULL, with an arrow to
indicate the hand motion required, adjacent and
just below the door jettision handles.
( 1 ) R e m o v e t h e word EMERGENCY
RELEASE PULL from the center panel of each
(3) The door jettison handles shall be painted
cockpit door, and substitute the words EMERGENCY
orange-yellow and black 1/8 inch wide alternate
(2) Retain the door handle word OPEN
(4) Place the words EMERGENCY EXIT on
the center of the side panel of the door.
(3) Remove the words EMERGENCY EXIT
from the diagonal forward portion of the door
(5). Apply the words OPEN-CLOSED.
(4) Add the word EMERGENCY
e. Emergency Exit Markings on CH-47. Apply
RELEASE-PULL to the diagonal forward portion of
marking adjacent to the door jettison handle.
the frames with small arrow near the T-handle to
indicate direction of hand motion.