TM 55-1500-345-23
tions will be standardized on like model and
series helicopters. The insignia may be moved
the minimum distance required to avoid high
heat areas. The insignia may extend over
doors and emergency exits but will not be ap-
plied over windows or other such openings
which would change the design of the insignia.
(2) The National Star Insignia will be
applied on vertical surfaces so that in normal
flight attitudes,the top point of the star will point
forward in the direction of flight.
(3) If
the main fuselage section is not
large enough
to accommodate the minimum size
specified, the
star insignia may be placed on such
other parts of
the fuselage as will permit its being
readily seen.
(4) If space limitations and configura-
tions permit, additional insignia will be applied to
the nose of helicopters to provide more positive
air-to-air identification.
Dimensions of Fuselage Insignia
(1) The dimensions of the insignia will
be determined by the diameter of the basic blue
circle. The insignia will not exceed 50 inches in
diameter, nor be less than 10 inches. The selected
insignia size will be nearest to, but not exceed, 75
(1) Four National Star Insignia will be
percent of the fuselage height at the point of ap-
plication. Symmetry should be maintained when
applied on the aircraft fuselage. The insignia will
applying the insignia on each side of the fuselage.
be located so that it wiII be visible from each side,
from above, and from below. Due to various
(2) If the above size is impractical for ap-
design configurations. the insignia will be located
plication, the most practical standard diameter
as near the center of the aircraft as is practical so
will be selected.
as to provide maximum discernment. Such loca-
7 - 8 . AIRCRAFT. T h o s e a i r c r a f t a s s i g n e d t o
the Army Medical service for use as ambulance
aircraft will be painted to the standard tactical
First Aid Kits.
paint scheme and will be marked with a red cross
The cross shall be pointed MIL-C-46168, Aircraft
(1) When painting identification markings
on aircraft first aid kits, the red cross will be com-
Red, #31136.