TM 55-1510-215-10
2-8. Wheel Brake System.
can be closed simultaneously by pulling out the handle
placarded PARKING BRAKE on the left subpanel
The main landing wheels are equipped with multiple-
(fig. 2-7), after pressing the brake pedals on
the pilot's
disc hydraulic brakes actuated by master cylinders
side to build up pressure. Parking brakes are released
attached to the rudder pedals at the pilot's and copilot's
when the brake handle is pushed in.
position. A shuttle valve, adjacent to each set of pedals,
permits braking action changeover from one set of
2-10. Entrance and Exit Provisions.
pedals to the other. Brake fluid is supplied to the system
from the reservoir in the nose compartment. The toe
brake sections of the rudder pedals are connected to the
master cylinders which actuate the system for the
corresponding wheels. No emergency brake system is
Do not open door or attempt to lock
Repeated and excessive application of
or secure during flight.
brakes, without allowing sufficient time for cooling, will
cause loss of brake efficiency, possible failure of brake
or wheel structure, possible blowout of tires, and in
extreme cases may cause the wheel and brake
assembly to be destroyed by fire. Parking brakes shall
not be set during flight. The following precautions
should be observed insofar as is practical:
Structural damage may be caused if
more than one person is on the
a. Extreme care should be used during any braking
entrance door at any time.
application to prevent skidding the tires and causing flat
The main cabin entrance door is used for normal or
b. With the landing gear extended, approximately
emergency exit hatch) on the right side of the fuselage,
10 minutes should be allowed to elapse between
and the cockpit emergency entrance/exit hatch are used
landings where maximum braking has been applied.
for emergency exit only. The main cabin entrance door,
the cabin emergency exit hatch (removable window),
c. With the landing gear retracted, approximately
and the cockpit emergency entrance/exit hatch provide
30 minutes should be allowed to elapse between
emergency escape routes from the aircraft either on the
maximum-brake application landings.
ground or when ditching.
emergency exit locations and bailout procedures.
a. Aircraft entrance door provisions consist of two
adjoining door assemblies on the left side of the fuselage
which open outward from the cabin compartment. The
It is damaging to the braking system
forward, or cargo door is normally closed during egress
if continuous braking drag is applied
of the crew. The cargo door is secured in a closed
over an appreciable distance while
position by two hand-operated, locking slide-bolts,
taxiing at slow speeds.
located on the top and bottom aft corners of the door.
The door opens forward on two hinges and is held open
d. For short landing rolls, reversing the propellers
by a swivel rod, which inserts into a hold-fitting installed
and a single, smooth application of the brakes with
in the wing fairing below the door opening. A cable
constantly increasing pedal pressure is most desirable.
attaches to the door top and to inside fuselage structure
above the door opening, preventing damage due to door
2-9. Parking Brake Handle.
overswing. The aft side of the cargo door is part of the
frame structure for the main entrance door, and has
Dual parking brake valves are installed adjacent to
striker plates for securing the door in the closed position.
the rudder pedals between the master cylinders of the
The main entrance door must be open before the cargo
pilot's rudder pedals and the wheel brakes. Both valves
door can be opened.
Change 7 2-11