TM 55-1510-215-10
2-14. Description.
below the copilot's seat, and a second is located aft of
The equipment covered in this section includes all
Monobromotrifluoromethane (CF3Br) type.
emergency equipment, except that which forms part of a
extinguisher is charged to a pressure of 150 to 170 PSI,
complete system. For example, landing gear system,
and emits a forceful stream. Use an extinguisher with
etc. For the operation of emergency exits and for
care within the limited area of the cabin to avoid severe
location of all emergency equipment, refer to chapter 9.
2-15. Hand-Operated Fire Extinguisher.
Engine fire extinguisher systems are
not installed.
2-16. First Aid Kits.
Exposure to high concentrations of
monobromotrifluoromethane (CF3Br)
Five first aid kits are provided in the aircraft (fig. 9-1).
or decomposition products should be
One kit is installed on the backside of the pilot and
avoided. The liquid should not be
copilot seat respectively, and the remaining kits are
allowed to come into contact with the
located in the cabin compartment.
skin, as it may cause frost bite or low
temperature burns because of its
2-17. Fire Axe.
very low boiling point.
The fire axe is located under the copilot's seat in the
One hand-operated fire extinguisher is mounted
2-18. Description.
The reduction gearbox forward of the power turbine
provides gearing for the propeller and drives the
The aircraft is powered by two T74-CP-700
overspeed governor, and the propeller governor. The oil
engine is a reverse flow, free turbine type, employing a
tank, filler cap and dip stick are an integral part of the
three-stage axial and a single-stage centrifugal
compressor assembled as an integral unit. A large area
circular steel screen around the air intake at the rear of
2-19. Engine Compartment Cooling.
the gas generator case precludes foreign object
ingestion by the compressor. The combustion chamber
The forward engine compartment including the
is of the reverse flow type and consists primarily of an
accessory section is cooled by air entering around the
annular heat-resistant steel liner open at one end. The
single-stage compressor turbine and free power turbine
spinner and forward cowling, and exhausting through
are in line with each other and are counter-rotating. The
louvers located behind the exhaust stubs.
single-stage power turbine is connected through a two-
accessory section is cooled by air from the plenum
stage planetary reduction gearbox to a flanged propeller
chamber which is exhausted through a flush vent on the
shaft. For the purpose of engine RPM/power ratio
left side of the cowl.
familiarization and computation, compressor turbine
rotational speed (RPM) will be referred to as N1, and the
propeller speed N2 as actual indicated tachometer RPM.
Each engine receives ram air ducted from an air
The accessory drive at the aft end of the engine provides
scoop located within the lower section of the forward
power to drive the fuel pumps fuel control, the oil pumps,
nacelle. Each oil cooler uses ram air secured by a
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