TM 55-1510-215-10
(a) OFF. Turns set off.
(1) Turn on procedure.
(b) STBY. Places set in standby mode.
This position also indicates a 90 second warmup delay
2. Function switch - TEST or ON as
when first turned on.
required (information will appear
(c) TEST.
Displays test pattern to
after time delay period has elapsed).
check for proper operation of the set. The transmitter is
(2) Initial adjustments operating procedure.
disabled during this mode.
1. BRT control - As required.
(d) ON. Places set in normal operation.
2. MODE switches - Press and release
(9) MODE switches . Momentary action type
as required.
switches. Pressing and holding either switch will display
an information list of operational data on the screen.
3. RANGE switches -
The data heading will be in blue, all data except present
release as required.
data will be in yellow and present selected data will show
4. TILT control - Move up or down to
in blue. The three weather levels will be displayed in
observe targets above or below
red, yellow and green. If WXA mode has been selected,
aircraft level. The echo display will
the red bar will flash on and off. If the switch is released
change in shape and location only.
and immediately pressed again, the mode will increase
or decrease depending on switch pressed. When either
(3) Test procedure.
top of bottom mode is reached, the opposite switch must
1. Function switch - TEST.
be pressed to further change the mode.
2. RANGE switches - Press and
(10) NAV switch. The words NO NAV will be
release as required to obtain 80 mile
displayed in the lower left corner unless the indicator is
supplied with navigation data from other avionics not
covered by this manual.
3. BRT control - As required.
(11) BRT control.
Used to adjust screen
4. Screen - Observe for proper display.
The test display consists of two
green, two yellow, and a red band
c. Operating Procedures.
on a 120 degree scan. The word
TEST will be displayed in the upper
right corner. The operating mode
selected by the MODE switches.
either MAP, WX or WXA, will be
displayed in the lower left corner. If
Do not operate the weather radar set
WXA has been selected, the red
while personnel or combustible
band in the test pattern will flash on
materials are within 18 feet of the
and off. The range will be displayed
antenna flat-plate array. When the
in the upper right corner beneath the
weather radar set is operating, high-
word TEST and appropriate range
mark distances will appear along the
emitted from the antenna flat-plate
right edge of the screen.
array, which can have harmful effects
(4) Weather observation operating procedure.
on the human body, and can ignite
combustible materials.
1. Function switch - ON.
2. MODE switches - Press and release
as required to select WX.
3. BRT control - As required.
4. TILT control - Adjust until weather
Do not operate the weather radar set
pattern is displayed. Include the
in a confined space where the
areas above and below the rainfall
nearest metal wall is 50 feet or less
areas to obtain a complete display.
Scanning such surfaces may damage
receiver crystals.
Change 7 3-37