TM 55-1510-215-10
(23) PITCH TEST switch (control pedestal) -
(36) Autopilot switch (AP) (autopilot
Hold to UP position for approximately two seconds.
control panel) - OFF.
Autopilot should disconnect and the aural alert should
(37) Flight director switch (FD) (autopilot mode
control panel) - Disengage.
(24) Autopilot switch (AP) (autopilot mode
control panel) - ON.
(38) PITCH TRIM switch (control wheel) -
Move aft until a full nose-up trim position has been
(25) PITCH TEST switch (cont rol pedestal) -
attained, then move switch forward and simultaneously
Hold to DN position for approximately two seconds.
begin timing. When the full nose-down trim position has
Autopilot should disconnect and the aural alert should
been attained release switch and note time. The time
required for trim system to run from full nose up to full
nose down should be 45 9 seconds.
(26) Autopilot switch (AP) (autopilot mode
control panel) - ON.
(39) If the autopilot fails the preflight test, the
AUTOPILOT circuit breaker must be pulled. However,
(27) Vertical trim control (autopilot mode
manual electric trim may still be used. If the electric trim
control panel) - Move to insert a pitch-up command.
system fails the preflight test, the ELEC TRIM circuit
breaker must be pulled and neither the electric trim nor
(28) Control wheel - Hold to keep from moving
the autopilot may be used.
and observe that the trim wheel moves in the nose up
direction after a three second delay.
4A. Ground proximity altitude
(GPAAS) - Check as follows:
(29) Control wheel steering
(control wheel) - Depress momentarily.
(1) GPAAS voice advisory VOL control - Full
(30) Vertical trim control (autopilot mode
control panel) - Move to insert a pitch-down command.
(2) VOICE OFF switch-indicator - Extinguished.
(31) Control wheel - Hold to keep from moving
(3) Audio control panel - Set listening audio
and observe that the trim wheel moves in the nose down
direction after a three second delay.
(4) VA FAIL annunciator light - Extinguished.
(32) Control wheel steering switch (CWS)
(control wheel) - Depress and center the control wheel
(5) Radio altimeter DH SET control - Set to
about the roll axis, then release.
200 feet.
(33) Heading switch (HDG) (autopilot mode
(6) Radio altimeter TEST switch - Press and
control panel) - Press on.
hold "Minimum, minimum" will be announced once
(34) Heading select bug (horizontal situation
indicator) - Set bug to command a right turn. The control
(7) Radio altimeter TEST switch - Release.
wheel should rotate clockwise.
(35) Heading select bug (horizontal situation
indicator) - Set bug to command a left turn. The control
wheel should rotate counterclockwise.
Change 9 8-10B