TM 55-1510-215-10
St art procedure.
21. Fuel control eat switches - ON (LEFT and
1. Strobe beacon switches (2) - As required.
Abort St art.
2, Navigation lights - ON.
1. Condition lever - FUEL CUTOFF.
2. Ignition/start switch - STARTER ONLY.
4. Ignition/start switch - On (check IGN ON light
3. ITT - Monitor for drop in temperature.
4. Ignition/start switch - OFF.
5. Condition lever - LO IDLE (after
Engine Clearing.
stabilizes at or above 13 % for 5 seconds).
6. ITT - Monitor (1090C for two seconds
1. Condition lever - FUEL CUTOFF
maximum for engine being stared. 750C maximum
2. Ignition/start switch - OFF (allow 30 seconds
for operating engine).
7. Ignition/start switch - OFF after ITT has
3. Ignition/start switch - STARTER ONLY (for 30
stabilized. IGN ON light extinguished.
to 40 seconds).
8. Condition lever - HIGH IDLE.
4. Ignition/start switch OFF.
9. Generator (for battery start) - Reset, then ON.
8-14. *Before Taxiing.
GEN OUT light extinguished.
1. Avionics master switch - ON.
10. Aircraft inverter - 2.
Check INV 2 light
2. Radios - ON. Communication and navigation
radios ON/set required; radios and transponder STBY.
11. Deleted
(I) H 3. Windshield anti-ice operation - Check. The
12. Oil pressure - Check (40 PSI minimum).
electrothermal windshield will prevent initial ice adhesion
to the glass, but will not remove ice already formed on the
13. Aircraft inverter - OFF.
windshield. There, anti-icing switches must be placed ON
before entering icing conditions. When glass temperature
14. GPU - Disconnect.
exceeds 43 degrees centigrade, operational checks of the
electrothermal windshields will be unreliable.
Check GEN
OUT light extinguished.
(1) Pilot's windshield anti-ice switch - ON
(watch volt-loadmeter for a slight increase).
16. Loadmeter - Monitor (0.5 maximum).
(2) Copilot's anti-ice switch - ON (confirm
17. Second engine - Start 4: through 8 above.
additional meter loads).
18. Generator - ON.
Check GEN OUT light
(3) Reposition switches as required for flight.
19. Aircraft inverters - 1. Check INV 1 light
extinguished (repeat steps 12 and 13).
The magnetic compass is erratic when
the windshield anti-ice system is on.
20. Condition levers - LO IDLE.
8-10 Change 10