TM 55-1510-215-10
1. Ground fault circuit breaker - Reset
failure, generator overvoltage, or a faulted generator
(one time).
feeder cable. If the indicated generator cannot be
returned to the line, reduce load on the remaining
2. Affected generator - RESET, then
generator to a volt-loadmeter reading of 1.0 or less for
continuous operation.
(2) A
c. Ground Fault - Generator Feeder Cable.
condition is indicated by divergent volt-loadmeter
Ground fault condition in the generator to generator-bus
readings and tripped BAT RELAY, BUS OVERLOAD,
tie cable is indicated by flashing MASTER WARNING
and GND FAULT circuit breakers. Reset the BAT
lights, and an L or R GEN OUT light illuminated.
RELAY circuit one time on the copilot's circuit breaker
(1) The following procedure will be used in
the event of a ground fault:
1. Generator - RESET, then ON.
2. Generator (GEN OUT light remains
Do not reset the BUS OVERLOAD
illuminated) - OFF.
circuit breaker more than one time. If
it trips after a reset, no attempt
3. Electrical equipment - OFF
should be made to reset the affected
required to reduce generator load to 1.0 or less).
generator using the GEN switch.
(2) A ground fault condition in the generator-
bus tie-cable is indicated by unbalanced volt-loadmeter
reading. Pull and reset GND FAULT circuit breaker on
In no event will a single bus overload
cause the loss of more than one
power source.
e. Both Gen Out Lights Illuminated.
In no case, will a single ground fault
1. Generators - RESET, then ON.
on either generator cable, or the tie-in
cable between the generator buses,
2. Generators (GEN OUT lights remain
cause the loss of more than one
illuminated) - OFF.
power source.
3. All nonessential electrical equipment
d. Bus Overload - Generator Buses. A generator
- OFF.
bus overload condition is indicated by flashing MASTER
WARNING lights, L or R GEN OUT light illuminated,
4. Land as soon as practicable.
GND FAULT circuit breaker tripped, zero reading on the
volt-loadmeter for the affected generator, and a high
f. Inverter Failure. Either inverter No. 1 or No. 2
reading on the operating generator.
is capable of supplying the full amount of normally
required single-phase AC power. Inverter failure is
(1) The following procedure will be used in
the event of a bus overload:
annunciator light INV 1 or INV 2 along with the
simultaneous flashing of both MASTER CAUTION lights.
g. Inverter Light Illuminated.
1. Inverter - Select other inverter.
Do not reset the GND FAULT circuit
breaker more than one time. If it trips
after a reset, no attempt should be
made to reset the affected generator
using the GEN switch.
9-14 Change 7