TM 55-1510-215-10
e. After Leaving Aircraft. When safely clear of the
aircraft, pull inflation ring to inflate the raft. Tie down first
Rate of descent, 100 ft. per min.
aid kit in the center of the raft to prevent it from being
during final stages of the approach
lost in case the raft capsizes. After all personnel have
(approximately last 300 feet).
been evacuated move raft out from under any part of the
aircraft which might strike them as it sinks. Remain in
8. Airspeed - 103 KCAS (100 KIAS).
the vicinity of the aircraft as long as it remains afloat.
(2) Ditching Procedure Without Power:
1. Announce intention to ditch and time
When the decision has been made to abandon the
to impact.
aircraft in flight, the pilot will give the warning signal. Exit
from the aircraft will be through the main entrance door,
2. Distress message - Transmit 3.
and in the departure sequence using the exit routes as
Transponder - Emergency.
indicated in the Emergency Exits and Equipment
4. Life vest - Put on and adjust (do not
becomes necessary:
1. Radio - Distress procedure (If time
5. Seat belts/harnesses
(passengers in braced position).
2. Voice security and transponder -
6. Gear - UP.
7. Flaps - APPROACH.
3. Airspeed - Reduce.
8. Airspeed - 100 KIAS.
4. Flaps - DOWN.
d. Water Entry. It is essential that an attempt be
5. Trim - As required.
made to control the attitude of the aircraft throughout
ditching until all motion stops. Evacuate the aircraft
6. Main entrance door - OPEN.
through the emergency exit or main entrance door.
Take the life raft and first aid kit.
7. Abandon the aircraft.
Change 8 9-19/(9-20 blank)