TM 55-1510-215-10
1. Gear control circuit breaker - Check.
2. Gear
The landing gear cannot be retracted
c. Gear-Up Landing.
The main landing gear
wheels protrude slightly from the wheel well in the gear-
up position and will roll when the aircraft is landed with
the gear retracted. Due to decreased drag with the gear
If the LDG GEAR POWER circuit
up, the tendency will be to overshoot the approach. It is
breaker is tripped, allow approximately
recommended that the landing be made with full flaps on
three minutes cooling time before
a hard surface runway, preferably paved. In landing on
soft ground or dirt, sod has a tendency to roll up into
chunks, damaging the underside of the aircraft's
3. Gear power circuit breaker - Check.
structure. When making a gear-up landing, proceed as
4. Gear indicators - Check.
1. Crew/passenger emergency briefing
- Complete.
5. Gear handle - UP, then DN.
2. Loose equipment - Stow.
6. Gear position - Check (use air-to-air
or air-to-ground fly-by method for visual landing gear
3. Seat belts and harnesses - Secure.
position verification).
4. Gear emergency clutch disengage
b. Landing Gear Emergency Extension.
lever - Disengage.
landing gear may be extended manually if the electrical
portion of the extension mechanism should fail. As
5. Gear emergency extension handle -
airspeed is reduced, it is correspondingly easier to
manually actuate the emergency extension handle.
When making an emergency gear extension, proceed as
6. Gear control circuit breaker - In.
1. Airspeed - Below 156 KCAS (154
7. Gear handle - UP.
8. Flaps - As required.
2. Gear power circuit breaker - Out
9. Non-essential electrical equipment -
3. Gear handle - DN.
10. Condition levers - FUEL CUTOFF
4. Gear emergency clutch disengage
(on ground when able).
lever - Pull up and turn clockwise.
11. Master switch - Down.
d. Landing With Main Gear Down, Nose Gear Up
or Unlocked. If a landing gear indicator shows an unsafe
Do not pump handle after GEAR
indication every possible means should be used to
DOWN position indicator lights (3)
determine the position of the landing gear. If a landing is
are illuminated. Further movement of
to be made with the nose gear up or unlocked and the
the handle could damage the drive
main gear down, then it is recommended that the landing
be made on a prepared runway. After touchdown, hold
the nose off as long as possible allowing the nose to
5. Gear emergency extension handle -
smoothly touch down with minimum speed. A full flap
Pump the handle up and down until the three GEAR
landing is recommended. After touchdown, flaps should
DOWN green lights illuminate. In the event of complete
be retracted.
electrical failure, pump until resistance is felt.
9-16 Change 8