TM 55-2840-231-23
2-4.1 Bleed Valve Cleaning to Restore Lost Compressor Performance - Continued
Clean the bleed valve
nozzle, filter, and jet as
a. Remove the air sensing
line (1) from the bleed
valve elbow (2).
b. Remove the elbow (2)
from the bleed valve.
Discard the O-ring (4).
c. Remove the internal
retaining ring (5) and
separate the filter (6)
from the bleed valve.
Replace the retaining
ring before assembly if it
is damaged during the
removal operation.
d. Using a screwdriver,
remove the jet (7) from
the bleed valve,
Do not blow the jet dry. The small
jet can be easily lost or
Mineral Spirits (item 53, Appendix D).
e. Clip the lockwire then
remove the nozzle (8) from
the bleed valve.
f. Clean the nozzle, filter
and jet ultrasonically in
mineral spirits if
equipment is available. If
ultrasonic equipment is
not available, agitate the
parts in a clean container
of mineral spirits. Use a
soft bristle brush to clean
exposed surfaces.
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