TM 55-2840-231-23
2 - 5 . C o m p r e s s o r R i n s i n g t o R e m o v e S a l t W a t e r C o n t a m i n a t i o n - C o n t i n u e d
3. Compressor
Spray one pint to one
quart of clean water
(distilled preferred) into
compressor inlet while
motoring engine without
ignition. Start injection 3
seconds prior to starter
engagement and
disengage starter at 10%
N1 speed. The sprayer
used to inject water
should have a quick
opening valve and a
nozzle which flows one
quart of water in 9 to 11
seconds. This flow rate
should allow the desired
quantity of water to be
injected by the time 10%
N1 speed is attained.
A common garden sprayer can be
used provided the spray orifice is
sized to give the desired flow.
4. Bleed Valve
Remove block from bleed
Start and operate the
engine for a minimum of
five minutes. Operate
engine anti-icing system
to purge water from the
compressor front support.
Also. operate any aircraft
systems which use
compressor bleed air. The
drying run should be
performed within 15
minutes after wash cycle.
Change 11