TM 55-2840-231-23
2-15. Compressor Rotor and Blades - Repair - Continued
1. Rotor and Blades
Repair of compressor rotor and blades con-
sists of blending and polishing to remove
nicks, dents, scratches, corrosion, or erosion
from blades, blade fillets and wheel hubs.
Where blending is recommended, use a No.
0 Swiss pattern file or a medium grit stone.
Where polishing is recommended, use a fine
grit stone or abrasive paper (item 27, Appen-
dix D). Blend and polish blades in a longi-
tudinal direction only with the repair formi
ng a smooth blend with the basic airfoil.
No sharp edges, burrs, cracks, or tears are
acceptable after blending.
It is impossible to fully describe all
darnage conditions that can be en-
countered. If damage is within the
repair limits shown in the following
figures but there is reasonable doubt
about the strength of the blended
blade, replace the compressor as-
sembly. Unlimited light polishing
to remove minor damage, where
blade dimensions are basically un-
changed, is permissible on any part
of the blade.
2. Hub and Fillet
Blend Repair
3. Blade Surface
Blend Repair
Blend out nicks, dents
and scratches on the
compressor wheel hub
and blade fillets. Final
polish to remove
blending marks. Blended
areas must be within the
limits shown in the fol-
lowing figures.
Blend out nicks, dents,
and scratches on the
airfoil surface (surface
B). Final polish to
remove blending marks.
Blended areas must be
within the limits shown
in the following figure.