TM 55-2840-231-23
2-15. Compressor Rotor and Blades - Repair - Continued
b. Remove corrosion stains
on the inner 1/3 of the
blades by cleaning in ac-
cordance with paragraph
2-13. Do not remove or
polish metal on the inner
1/3 of the blades. Pitting
must not exceed the limits
shown in paragraph 2-14,
item 3.
6. Hub and Fillet Blend Repair
7. Blade Surface Blend Repair
8. Blade Leading and Trailing
Edges Blend Repair
Blend out nicks, dents, and
scratches on compressor
wheel hub and plate fillets
Final polish to remove
blending marks. Blended
areas must be within limits
shown in item 3 above.
Blend out nicks, dents, and
scratches on the airfoil sur-
face(surfsce B, item3
above). Final polish to re-
move blending marks.
Blended areas must be
within limits shown in item
3, above.
Straight-line blend lead-
ing and trailing edges to re-
move erosion and minor
nicks and dents (see figure
in item 4 above).
Change 11 2-63