TM 55-2840-231-23
3-2. Outer Combustion Case - Inspection - Continued
1. Outer Combustion Case
Visually inspect for cracks and dents in sheet met-
al surfaces and wear in the air tube bosses. Re-
place the outer combustion case if the repairable
limits are exceeded.
Wear in air tube bosses.
Out of round at air tube bosses.
Check for cracks in the
outer shell. Replace the
outer comubustion case if
cracks exceed the limits
shown in figure. Weld all
repairable cracks. (Refer to
paragraph 3-3.)
Check for cracks in the lin-
er (inner basket). Weld-re-
pair cracks three inches
(71.2 mm) or less in length
and a minimum of one inch
(25.4 mm) apart. (Refer to
paragraph 3-3.) Replace
the outer combustion case
if cracks are greater than
three inches (71.2 mm) in
length cracks are less than
one inch (25.4 mm) apart,
or there are more than two
Check for dents in outer
shell. Replace the outer
combustion case if dents
are more than 1/8 inch (3.2
mm) deep.
Check for wear in the air
tube bosses. Replace outer
combustion case if Step
wear is greater than 0.004
inch (0.010 mm) (measured
from adjacent unworn
Maximum of 0.004 in.
(0.10 mm) out of round.
Change 11