TM 55-2840-231-23
3-4. Combustion Liner - Inspection - Continued
ENGINE - Continued
Combustion Liner Inspection - Continued
Inspection and Method
Check on outside of liner.
(See preceding figure.)
Crack in tab end inside
liner. (See preceding fig-
ure.) (Visual)
Cracks at two adjacent re-
lief slots progressing to-
ward same hole. (See pre-
ceding figure.) (Visual)
Crack in relief slots at
combustion liner steps.
(See preceding figure.)
Crack in double lip area.
(See preceding figure.)
Crack in igniter ferrule at-
taching weld. (See preced-
ing figure.) (Visual)
Roughened igniter ferrule
ID. (See preceding fig-
ure.) (Visual)
Serviceable Limits
None permitted.
No cracks greater than
1/4 inch (6.44 mm)
long and no more than
two cracks per tab.
Not permitted.
Any number 3/16 inch
(4.8 mm) or less in
None permitted.
None permitted.
None permitted.
Repairable Limits
Any number as long
as crack length does
not exceed limits
shown on preceding
figure. Not repairable
if crack cannot be
completely welded
and/or weld obstructs
cooling air passage.
Not repairable.
Not repairable.
Any number 1/2 inch
(12.7 mm) or less in
Not more than 3 in-
ches (76.2 mm) long.
Crack does not ex-
ceed 1/4 inch (6.4
mm) long.
ID does not exceed
0.560 inch ( 1.422
cm) after polishing.
Corrective Action
Weld-repair. (Refer
to paragraph 3-5.)
Replace liner.
Replace liner.
Weld-repair. (Refer
to paragraph 3-5.)
Weld-repair. (Refer
to paragraph 3-5.)
Weld-repair. (Refer
to paragraph 3-5.)
Polish ID. (Refer to
paragraph 3-5.)