TM 55-2840-231-23
3-10. Compressor Discharge Air Tube Seal Ring - inspection
Applicable Configuration
Do not substitute standard rubber
O rings for the Kalrez synthetic
rubber. Due to the high tempera-
ture restrictions and thermal
gradients, only Kalrez synthetic
rubber is authorized for use on the
compressor discharge tubes,
Compressor Discharge Air
Replace compressor discharge air tube seal
Tube Seal Ring
rings which exhibit fretting, excessive wear,
or distortion. Replace two-piece seals when
the spherical radius on the OD is worn flat
all the way across. Slight leakage around
compressor discharge air tube seal ring is
allowed, provided it does not affect engine
Some compressor discharge tubes utilize a
synthetic rubber, trade name Kalrez, and a
steel backup ring as the sealing arrange-
ment. Inspect the synthetic rubber seals and
reject any seals that exhibit any tears, cuts,
or deformation. Use care in removal or
installation of synthetic rubber to avoid
damage and make certain that the steel
backup ring is installed on the atmospheric
side of the compressor discharge tube groove.
3-11. Burner Drain Valve - Removal, Cleaning, Testing and Installation
Applicable Configuration
ENGINE/Burner Drain
1. Removal
Consumable Materials
Carbon Removal Compound (item 22, Appendix D)
Drycleaning Solvent (item 1, Appendix D)
Antiseize Compound (item 6, Appendix D)
Lockwire (item 17, Appendix D)
Lubricating Oil (item 5, Appendix D)
Remove drain valve (1)
from the outer
combustion case and
discard preformed
packing (2).
Change 11