TM 55-2840-231-23
3-7. Combustion Section - Installation - Continued
8. Seal Rings (20)
Installation Clamp No. 6799952.
Compress seal rings at
large end of air tube (18)
with compressor
discharge air tube to
outer combustion case
installation clamps.
Then, place outer
combustion case (6) over
combustion liner (3)
while mating the case (6)
to compressor discharge
air tubes (18).
9. Bolts (1 and 2)
Change 11
The case (6) is properly indexed when
drain port is at the bottom of engine.
Also check to insure that igniter plug
hole in the outer combustion case (6)
aligns with the igniter plug hole in
combustion liner (3) before inserting
attaching bolts.
The mating notches on the
combustion air tubes and combustion
section must be aligned prior to
installing retaining rings on the AFT
end of the combustion tubes.
Antiseize Compound (item 6, Appendix D).
Coat threads of the 24
outer combustion case
attaching bolts ( 1 and 2 )
lightly with antiseize
compound. Secure outer
combustion case (6) to the
The half-inch length bolt is used to secure
gas producer turbine
the thermocouple harness clamp (4) on the
support with 24 bolts (1
rear side of the splitline flange at bolt
and 2 ) and nuts (5).
position 6 (viewed from the rear of the engine Tighten nuts (5) to 20 to
with 1 at top center).
30 (0.2-0.3 kg/m).
Remove the installation
clamps. Secure the
compressor discharge air
tubes (18) to the outer
combustion case (6) with
retaining rings ( 17).