TM 55-2840-231-23
6.6 Gas Producer Fuel Control - Idle Check
Applicable Configuration
Special Tools
Wrench, Tool No 6798292
Dual control installation requires an
idle speed check from the copilots
side also. Idle speed must repeat
every time.
Check the repeatability of the idle
speed setting by running the engine.
Generator current should be less than
20 amperes. The stabilized idle speed
should repeat every time, regardless
of whether the fuel control throttle
shaft is rotated slowly or rapidly from
the full throttle to the idle position,
and regardless of whether the pilots
or the copilots twist grip is used.
Failure to repeat a stabilized idle
speed requires a recheck of the fuel
control rigging. Check for proper idle
rigging as follows:
Perform the entire idle speed check
whenever fuel control rigging or idle
speed is adjusted.
1. Twist Grip.
a. Roll twist grip to full
open position then to idle
detent. Mark (pencil) the
precise position of pointer
tip on the fuel control
quandrant with twist grip
in IDLE position.
b. Release the idle detent
on twist grip. Very slowly
roll the twist grip in
direction of cutoff just
enough to obtain
perceptible movement of
pointer tip
(approximately the width
of the pencil mark). Index
the twist grip at this
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