6-7. Gas Producer Fuel Control - Deceleration Check - Continued
Make rigging adjustments using the
pilots twist grip. Recheck the linkage
movement using the copilots twist
grip. The limits of the figure shown
below are applicable to both sets of
controls. The lower stop on the fuel
control is set at depot; do not attempt
to adjust.
TM 55-2840-231-23
Snap twist grip to IDLE
position. Simultaneously
start a time count using a
stop watch or clock with a
sweep second hand. Stop
the time as N1 needle
passes through 65%, The
minimum allowable time
is two seconds,
If deceleration time is
less than the time
allowed, make two more
checks to confirm the
If the confirmed
deceleration time is less
than the allowable
minimum, perform a
rigging check. (Refer to
para 6-5. )
Repeat the deceleration
check. If the deceleration
time is less than time
allowable minimum,
perform an IDLE speed
check. (Refer to para 6-6. )
Repeat the deceleration
check. If the deceleration
time is less than
allowable minimum,
replace the fuel control.
(Refer to para 6-1 1.)
An EPC is required after a rigging
adjustment to the fuel control.
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