TM 55-2840-241-23
Table 10-1. Operating Limits (Continued)
Maximum vibration
Test Stand
(200 cps filter)
1.2 inch/second
2.0 inch/second
If limits are exceeded shut down
1.8 inch/second
3.0 inch/second
immediately. Investigate
1.0 inch/second
1.7 inch/second
mine cause.
Steady state
0.6 inch/second
0.9 inch/second
0.9 inch/second
1.5 inch/second
0.5 inch/second
0.8 inch/second
Vibration test required after initial installation of
engine in aircraft or when excessive vibration is sus-
pected (refer to paragraph 12-8).
Oil pressure
During start
Idle to 78% N1
78-89% N1
90% N1 and above
Oil temperature
For starting
For operation above idle*
Normal range
Increasing pressure by the time
Abort start is pressure
20% N1 is reached
start increasing.
50 psig minimum
90-130 psig
115-130 psig
Oil pressure limits are based on an oil inlet tem-
perature of 180-225°F (82- 107°C).
to deter-
does not
-65°F minimum (-54°C)
35°F minimum (2°C)
Operate at idle until within limits
180-200°F (82-93°C)
225°F maximum (107°C)
Reduce power to maintain limits.
During cold weather operations, 150 psig engine oil
pressure is permitted following engine start. When the
130 psig limit is exceeded, operate engine at idle RPM
until normal engine oil pressure is obtained. When
engine oil pressure is within normal limits, engine
may be operated within full range of temperature lim-
its (-54 to 107°C) without regard to engine oil tem-
perature markings.
* For test cell only.
10-7. Test Requirements.
b. Setting numbers listed in the functional test col-
a. Table 10-2 lists the test requirements following
umn of table 10-2 refer to the setting numbers in the
repair or replacement of an engine component or
functional test schedule (table 10-3).
accessory. Parts removed to gain access to other parts
or areas shall invoke the same test requirements, in
c. The following test points should be utilized for
accordance with the table of test requirements, as
vibration testing of an engine when installed in a air-
parts repaired or replaced to correct deficiencies or
malfunctions. In the event that more than one test
requirement is invoked, the most severe shall apply.
(1) Steady state data points:
Change 14