TM 55-2840-241-23
(1) Prepare the test stand for operation as
outlined in TM 55-4920-328-13.
To prevent fuel starvation at engine
start and to prevent engine damage
due to lack of lubricating oil at
engine start, ensure that fuel and
lubrication oil are available at the
engine fuel and oil inlet ports.
(2) Place the N1 throttle lever to the zero degree
position as indicated on the throttle position indicator.
(3) Place the governor lever to the minimum posi-
Abort the start if any of the follow-
ing conditions occur:
1. Time from starter ON to idle
speed exceeds one minute. Inves-
tigate and correct cause before at-
tempting another start.
2. Engine oil pressure does not
start to increase by the time gas
producer rotor speed (N1) reaches
20%speed. Investigate and cor-
rect cause before attempting
another start.
3. No indication of power turbine
rotor speed (N2) by the time gas
producer rotor speed (N1) reaches
30%speed. Investigate and cor-
rect cause if malfunction was of
test stand origin. Reject engine if
malfunction was of engine origin.
4. Indicated TOT exceeds 1490°F
(810°C) for more than 10 seconds
with a momentary peak of one
second at 1700°F(927°C). Refer
to table 12-1.
5. Indicated TOT exceeds 1700°F
(927°C) or remains at 1700°F
(927°C) for more than one second.
Refer to table 12-1.
(4) Simultaneously press the start switch ig-
nition switch, and timer start switch.
Do not advance the Nl throttle
lever above the 0° position fuel
cutoff) until the proper cranking
speed is attained.
An over-
temperature start or an explosive
lightoff may occur.
(5) When N1 speed reaches the value listed
below, advance the N1 throttle lever to 30 de-
TOT indication retard the throttle lever to the
gree position (idle). If there is no immediate
0°position (fuel cutoff). Investigate to deter-
mine the cause for no lightoff.
Ambient temperature
N 1 speed
7 to 54°C (45 to 130°F)
-18 to 7°C (0 to 44°F)
-54 to -18°C (-65 to -l°F)
(6) At 58% N1 speed, press the start
switch , and ignition switch to cut off starter
and Ignition.
(7) The engine. should continue to ac-
celerate and stabilize at 62-64% N1 speed
(8) Oil pressure should beat least 50 psi.
During cold weather, oil pressure
up to 150 pSi is permissible.
Operate at idle until normal pres-
sure limits can be maintained.
b. Operating.
(1) Idle. Idle is the same setting as for
starting and is established with the governor
lever at the minimum position and the N1 throt-
tle lever at the idle (30°) opposition. Other
determining factors are:
N 1 speed= 62 to 64%
N 2 speed = 75 to 105%
GPTOT = Determine from figure 10-1
Torque pressure = 0 to 11 psi
(2) Flight autorotation. Flight autorotation
is established with governor lever m the mini-
mum position and the N1throttle lever at any
(90). Other determining factors are:
position between idle (30°) and maximum
N1 speed - 63% (estimated)
N2 speed -98 to 108% normal (See
table 10-1 for exception)
GPTOT - Determine from figure 10-1
Torque pressure -0 to 5 psi
(3) Take off. Takeoff is established with
the N1 throttle lever at maximum (90°), the
governor lever positioned to produce 100% N2
Change 14