TM 55-2840-241-23
b. Inspect the compressor front support
vanes and first-stage rotor blades. Replace the
engine if any mechanical damage, bending, or
distortion is detected.
If the engine is frequently subject to sand
and dirt ingestion, compressor erosion inspec-
tion is recommended. (Refer to paragraphs 7-
10 and 7-11.)
a. Foreign objects or materials found in
inlet during inspection of the aircraft when not
in operation. If it can be determined that the
blackage was not there during the last opera-
tion of the engine, remove the foreign object
or material and leave the engine in service.
Perform engine vibration test after
initial installation of engine in
aircraft, after removal of combus-
tion case, when excessive engine
vibration is suspected; or when any
maintenance has been performed
that may effect engine to transmis-
sion alignment. The engine vibra-
tion test requirement shall apply to
all engines installed, reinstalled,
new, overhauled, same or dif-
b. Power loss encountered following a
restriction at the compressor inlet area while
the engine is in operation. Blockage in flight
can usually be verified by inspection after land-
ing (blockage still exists). However, some
blockage may be followed by ingestion before
inspection can take place. Objects or materials
which were large enough to have stopped at
the inlet guide vanes before ingestion should
be considered to have caused compressor inlet
b l o c k a g e
12-3. Scope.
This section presents special inspections
to be performed on the engine when damage
has been sustained due to operation under ab-
normal conditions or operation in severe
climatic conditions.
12-4. Snow and Ice Ingestion Inspection.
This inspection must be performed follow-
ing an inflight flameout in ice producing
weather or anytime snow and ice ingestion is
suspected. Inspect the compressor or snow,
ice, or water damage as follows:
a. Obtain access to the compressor inlet but
do not disassemble any engine parts.
12-5. Compressor Inlet Blockage Inspec-
Replace the engine if it has been operated
with inlet air restricted due to foreign objects
or materials which have become lodged in the
compressor relet. Tag the replaced engine to
show that the cause of removal was inlet air
blockage. Conditions which constitute block-
age are as follows:
12-6. Foreign Object Damage (FOD) In-
Power loss associated with an increase in
engine vibration can often be attributed to
foreign object damage. Inspect for foreign ob-
ject damage as follows:
a. Obtain access to the compressor inlet but
do not disassemble any engine parts.
b. Inspect the compressor front support
vanes and first-stage rotor blades and vanes
for FOD.
c. If the inspection in step b is inconclusive,
remove one compressor case half and check
for FOD. (Refer to paragraph 6-2.)
d. If the compressor FOD is not detected,
remove the combustion section (paragraph 3-
21) and check the turbine first-stage vanes and
blades for FOD.
e. If compressor or turbine FOD is detected,
replace the engine.
12-7. Erosion Inspection.
12-8. Vibration Inspection.
n engine. vibration is encountered deter-
mine the origin of the vibration as follows and
repair or replace the engine as applicable.
. Install vibration monitoring kit, tool No.
171170-0104, in accordance with TM 55-4920-
b. Run the engine and check for vibration in
excess of the limits specified in table 10-1.
Note the origin of the vibration.
c. If the compressor, turbine, or gearbox
vibration limits are exceeded, replace the en-
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