TM 55-2840-241-23
able skills, tools, and equipment. Established the
Direct Exchange (DX) program for AVUM unite by
repairing selected items for return to stock when
such repairs cannot be accomplished at the AVUM
level. Inspects, troubleshoots, tests, diagnoses, re-
pairs, adjusts, calibrates, and aligns aircraft system
modules/components. AVIM units will have capa-
bility to determine the serviceability of specified
modules/components removed prior to the ex-
piration of the Time Between Overhaul (TBO) or fi-
nite life. Module/component disassembly and repair
will support the DX program and will normally be
limited to task requiring cleaning and the replace-
ment of seals, fittings and items of common hard-
ware, Airframe repair and fabrication of parts will
be limited to those maintenance tasks which can be
performed with available tools and test equipment.
Unserviceable reparable modules/components and
end items which are beyond the capability of AVIM
to repair will be evacuated to Depot Maintenance.
This level will perform aircraft weight and balance
inspections and other special inspections which ex-
ceed AVUM capability. Provides quick response
maintenance support, including aircraft recovery
and air evacuation on-the-job training, and tech-
nical assistance through the use of mobile mainte-
nance contact teams. Maintain authorized oper-
ational readiness float aircraft. Provides collection
and classification services for serviceable/un-
serviceable material. Operates a cannibalization ac-
tivity in accordance with AR 750-50. (The aircraft
maintenance company within the maintenance bat-
talion of a division will perform AVIM functions
consistent with air mobility requirements and con-
servation of personnel and equipment resources.
Additional intermediate maintenance support will
be provided by the supporting nondivisional AVIM
B-2. Use of the Maintenance Allocation Chart
a. The Maintenance Allocation Chart assigns
maintenance functions based on past experience
and the following consideration:
(1) Skills available.
(2) Time required.
(3) Tools and test equipment required and/or
b. The assigned levels of maintenance author-
ized to perform a maintenance functions is indi-
c. A maintenance function assigned to a lower
maintenance level to
maintenance level.
be performed at any higher
d. A maintenance function that cannot be per-
formed at the assigned level of maintenance for any
reason may be evacuated to the next higher mainte-
nance organization. Higher maintenance levels will
perform the maintenance functions of lower main-
tenance levels when required or directed by the ap-
propriate commander.
e. The assignment of a maintenance function
will not be construed as authorization to carry the
associated repair parts in stock. Information to req-
uisition or otherwise secure the necessary repair
parts will be specified in the Repair Parts, and Spe-
cial Tools List.
f. Normally there will be no deviation from the
assigned level of maintenance, In cases of oper-
ational necessity, maintenance functions assigned
to a higher maintenance level may, on a one-time
basis and at the request of the lower maintenance
level, be specifically authorized by the maintenance
officer of the higher level of maintenance to which
the functions is assigned. The special tools, equip-
ment, etc. required by the lower level of mainte-
nance to perform this function will be furnished by
the maintenance level to which the function is as-
signed. This transfer of a maintenance function to a
lower maintenance level does not relieve the higher
maintenance level of the responsibility of the func-
tion. The higher level of maintenance has the
authority to determine:
(1) If the lower level is capable of perform-
ing the work.
(2) If the lower level will require assistance
or technical supervision and on-site inspection.
(3) If the authorization will be granted.
g. Maintenance of the US Army Commu-
nications and Electronics Material Readiness Com-
mand equipment will be performed by designated
US Army CERCOM personnel.
h. Changes to the Maintenance Allocation Chart
will be based on continuing evaluation and analysis
by responsible technical personnel and on reports
received from field activities.
B-3. Definitions.
Maintenance functions. Maintenance functions
will be limited to and defined as follows:
a. Inspect.
To determine the serviceability of
an item by comparing its physical, mechnical and/
or electrical characteristics with established stan-
dards through examination.
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