TM 55-2840-241-23
B-6. Work Times.
The symbol -.- identifies the lowest level of
Maintenance authorized to perform a maintenance
function and indicates that work time figures are
being developed and will be entered at a later date.
When developed this time will appear: for example
as, 0.1 and also indicates the lowest level of author-
ized maintenance.
B-7. Tools and Test Equipment (Section III)
Special tools, test, and support equipment required
to& maintenance functions are listed with a refer-
ence number to permit cross-referencing to column
6 in the MAC. In addition, the maintenance cate-
gory authorized to use the device is listed along
with the item National Stock Number and, if appli-
cable, the number to aid in identifying the tool/de-
B-8. Remarks (Section IV)
Column 6 of the MAC contains alphabetic reference
codes which are explained in Section IV of this
Change 3 B-5