TM 55-2840-241-23
h. If no visual damage is apparent, engine
ma be operationally checked either in
airframe or in mobile engine test unit. (Refer
to Chapter 10.) Minimum test time is 30
minutes and shall include vibration check,
coastdown noise check, and post-test mspec-
tion of oil falter and chip detectors for metal,
lint, or other foreign material. Vibration
levels must be within established limits. If no
defects are noted, engine is considered service-
i. If engine is unserviceable, it will be
preserved in accordance with paragragh 3-8,
returned to an overhaul facility. Complete
and attach necessary tags to engine; prepare
necessary forms and records and place m
records receptacle m accordance with para-
graph 3-9.
3-7. Accident Engine Preservation.
paced in a metal reusable shipping and
storage container (paragraph 3-11), and
Do not treat an engine for. cor-
rosion that has been involved m an
accident where engine failure or
malfunction is known or suspected
to have been a factor. This engine
must be held for shipment to an
overhaul depot or designated in-
investigation area and should not be
treated for corrosion prevention.
a. Without disconnecting lines or fittings,
make eve effort to prevent the remaining
fuel and oil in the engine from leaking out.
b. Seal all openings with covers. (See fig-
ure 3-2.) If covers are not available, seal with
barrier material (item 4, table 2-2) and secure
with tape (item, table 2-2).
c. Plug all ports and cap all fittings. (See
f i g u r e 3 - 2 .
d. Install engine in bottom half of metal
reusable shipping and storage container in ac-
cordance with paragraph 3-11b. Ground en-
gine to container to prevent a possible
explosion of dangerous vapors which may be
ignited by static electricity or a spark. Secure
all loose metal components to the container
with tape (item 5, table 2-2 to prevent pos-
sible spark during shipment.
3-8. Damaged, Cannilizd, or Failed En-
gine Preservation.
preserve the compressor as follows:
Inoperable engines that are idle because
they require parts or maintenance shall be
preserved in accordance with paragraph 3-7b,
c and d and stored m a shipping container or in
a clean, dry, area where the engine will be ade-
quately protected from dirt, corrosion, and
p h y s i c d a m a g e
3-9. Forms, Records, Tags and Stenciling.
a. The forms, records, and reports that are
to be used by maintenance personnel when
preparing an engine or engine component for
storage or shipment are listed in and
prescribed by DA Pamphlet 738-751.
b. Authorized tags and the published, proce-
dure for their completion is prescribed in TB
750-126. Additional pressurization tags may
be applied to assist the maintenance officer in
c. Stenciling, labeling and marking of con-
tamers for storage and shipment ares shown in
figures 3-3 and 3-5. Obliterate old markings
that do not apply. Letters and numerals of
stencils shall be in block letters 1/2 inch high.,
Use white stencil ink (item 6, table 2-2). For
additional information on marking and stencil-
ing refer to MIL-STD-l29.
3-10. Engine Preservation.
A serviceable engine that is being
removed from an aircraft for the purpose of
storage or return to the overhaul facility will
be preserved prior to removal from the aircraft.
a. Ensure that the engine,. accessories, inlet
duct, plenum chamber, and relet screens are
clean and free from corrosion and foreign
material. When external cleaning is neces-
sary, clean with solvent (item 3, table 2-2).
(Refer to TB 55-9150-200-24.)
b. Fill the engine oil tanks as necessary to
normal operating level with standard operating
oil (item 7, table 2-2). Start engine.
If avail-
able, use external auxiliary power unit (APU).
c. Run at idle to ensure that the engine is
operating satisfactorily. Accelerate to 100%
N2, collective full down. Operate engine for
five minutes or until oil temperature reaches
88°C (191° F), whichever occurs first.
d. Idle engine for two minutes prior to shut-
ting down engine.
e. Allow the engine to cool until the com-
pressor is cool to the touch (bare hand); then
(1) Disconnect the fuels stem pressure
sensing (Pc) tube from the elbow at the dif-
fuser scroll. Cap the tube and the elbow using
compressor protector cleaning kit 6886204.
(2) Disconnect the bleed control valve
pressure sensing (Pc) tube from the elbow at
the diffuser scroll. Cap the tube and the
elbow using compressor protector cleaning kit